Post 2024 Writing Project: Prequels, Sequels, and Paralipomena (Archive)

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This page contains the archive for Prequels, Sequels, and Paralipomena, a novella project by Dmitri Gheorgheni, Tavaron, FWR, Paulh, and Caiman Raptor Elk in The Post.

Fictional characters reading in a sumptuous library.
Date Lives of the Gheorghenis
A very tall building at night.
15.01.24 First Prolegomenon
22.01.24 Second Prolegomenon
29.01.24 Chapter 1: Ci-villa-sation, Such as It Is (Was)
05.02.24 Chapter 2: They Call the Wind Euros, But Not Often
12.02.24 Chapter 3: Here, Kitty, Kitty
19.02.24 Chapter 4: Life in the Fast Lane
26.02.24 Chapter 5: Music Hath Charms
04.03.24 Chapter 6: Natural Magic
11.03.24 Chapter 7: O tempora, o mores
18.03.24 Chapter 8: The Higher, the Fewer, or Something Like That
25.03.24 Chapter 9: Ein Posthorn im stillen Land
01.04.24 Chapter 10: Nature and Its Uses
08.04.24 Chapter 11: Questions and Some Answers
15.04.24 Chapter 12: Where Is Wisdom?
22.04.24 Chapter 13: Comedy Tonight
29.04.24 Chapter 14: Ars amatoria
06.05.24 Chapter 15: We Didn't Start the Fire, but We Can Put It Out
13.05.24 Chapter 16: Exits and Entrances
20.05.24 Chapter 17: A Place to Sit Down
27.05.24 Chapter 18: Seeds
03.06.24 Chapter 19: Morpheus Can Keep It
10.06.24 Chapter 20: The Satyr's Pyjamas
17.06.24 Chapter 21: Night Flight
24.06.24 Chapter 22: O Fortuna
01.07.24 Chapter 23: Well-Met by Moonlight
08.07.24 Chapter 24: Travel Broadens the Mind
15.07.24 Chapter 25: The Conspirators
22.07.24 Chapter 26:Communications
29.07.24 Chapter 27: Shenanigans
05.08.24 Chapter 28: A Gathering of Eagles
12.08.24 Chapter 29: Incident on a Small Island
19.08.24 Chapter 30: A Letter Home
26.08.24 Chapter 31: Dreams of Empire
02.09.24 Chapter 32: A Rude Awakening
09.09.24 Chapter 33: The Philosophers' Symposium
16.09.24 Chapter 34: Sun-Kissed Days
23.09.24 Chapter 35: Juicy Gossip
30.09.24 Chapter 36: Reasons to Stay
Date I See You, Jack!
A magical watch.
15.01.24 Prologue: 2018
22.01.24 Chapter 1
29.01.24 Chapter 2
05.02.24 Chapter 3
12.02.24 Chapter 4
19.02.24 Chapter 5
26.02.24 Chapter 6
04.03.24 Chapter 7
11.03.24 Chapter 8
18.03.24 Chapter 9
25.03.24 Chapter 10
01.04.24 Chapter 11
08.04.24 Chapter 12
15.04.24 Chapter 13
22.04.24 Chapter 14
29.04.24 Chapter 15
06.05.24 Chapter 16
13.05.24 Chapter 17
20.05.24 Chapter 18
27.05.24 Chapter 19
03.06.24 Chapter 20
10.06.24 Chapter 21
17.06.24 Chapter 22
24.06.24 Chapter 23
01.07.24 Chapter 24
08.07.24 Chapter 25
15.07.24 Chapter 26
22.07.24 Chapter 27
05.08.24 Chapter 29
12.08.24 Chapter 30 - END
Date Mister President, Nebraska Is Missing!
An array of cartoon characters around a disappearing map of Nebraska.
15.01.24 Episode 1
22.01.24 Episode 2
29.01.24 Episode 3
05.02.24 Episode 4
12.02.24 Episode 5
19.02.24 Episode 6
26.02.24 Episode 7
04.03.24 Episode 8
11.03.24 Episode 9
18.03.24 Episode 10
25.03.24 Episode 11
01.04.24 Episode 12
08.04.24 Episode 13
15.04.24 Episode 14
22.04.24 Episode 15
29.04.24 Episode 16
06.05.24 Episode 17
13.05.24 Episode 18
20.05.24 Episode 19
27.05.24 Episode 20
03.06.24 Episode 21
10.06.24 Episode 22
17.06.24 Episode 23
24.06.24 Episode 24
01.07.24 Episode 25
08.07.24 Episode 26 (The End)
Date Robyn Hoodie: The Virgin Diary
A girl in a hoodie with a bow.
15.01.24 Chapters 0-1
22.01.24 Chapter 2: A Very Merry Christmas
29.01.24 Chapter 3: Scarf-face
05.02.24 Chapter 4: The Micelli Twins' New Cox
12.02.24 Chapter 5: Career Planning
19.02.24 Chapter 6: Let There Be Music!
26.02.24 Chapter 7: The Life Choices of a Fabricator
04.03.24 Chapter 8: A Matter of Style
11.03.24 Chapter 9: Not the Third World War (but close)
18.03.24 Chapter 10: War Ning
25.03.24 Chapter 11: The Budgerigar That Wouldn't Budge
01.04.24 Chapter 12: Premiere
08.04.24 Chapter 13: Encore
15.04.24 Chapter 14: Cleaning Up the Act
29.04.24 Chapter 16: Wellness
06.05.24 Chapter 17: And. . . Action!
13.05.24 Chapter 18: Little Bluebirds
20.05.24 Chapter 19: High Spirits
27.05.24 Chapter 20: Did This Really Happen?
03.06.24 Chapter 21: New Round, New Plans
10.06.24 Chapter 22: Double Bankruptcy
17.06.24 Chapter 23: Mathness
24.06.24 Chapter 24: The Rest Is History
01.07.24 Chapter 25: Judgement Day - The Longest Day
08.07.24 Chapter 26: Job Opportunity
12.08.24 Chapter 27: Pizza and Answers
19.08.24 Chapter 28: Pro-Misses
26.08.24 Chapter 29: The End of the World As We Know It
02.09.24 Chapter 30: Tripping
09.09.24 Chapter 31: Blood, Sweat and Tears
16.09.24 Chapter 32: Up, Up We Go, Till We Go Down!
23.09.24 Chapter 33: (De)luge
30.09.24 Chapter 34: The Heat of the Moment
07.10.24 Chapter 35: Fun Guy or Fungi?
14.10.24 Chapter 36: Home and Wet
21.10.24 Chapter 37: Prime Pork Number
Date The Sea of Grass
Book cover with tall, dried grasses.
15.01.24 Prologue
22.01.24 Chapter 1
29.01.24 Chapter 2
05.02.24 Chapter 3
12.02.24 Chapter 4
19.02.24 Chapter 5
26.02.24 Chapter 6
04.03.24 Chapter 7
11.03.24 Chapter 8
18.03.24 Chapter 9
25.03.24 Chapter 10
01.04.24 Chapter 11
08.04.24 Chapter 12
15.04.24 Chapter 13
22.04.24 Chapter 14
29.04.24 Chapter 15
06.05.24 Chapter 16
13.05.24 Chapter 17
20.05.24 Chapter 18
27.05.24 Chapter 19
03.06.24 Chapter 20
10.06.24 Chapter 21
17.06.24 Chapter 22
24.06.24 Chapter 23
08.07.24 Chapter 24
15.07.24 Chapter 25
22.07.24 Chapter 26
12.08.24 Chapter 27
19.08.24 Chapter 28
26.08.24 Chapter 29
02.09.24 Chapter 30

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