Mister President, Nebraska Is Missing! Episode 4

1 Conversation

Mister President, Nebraska Is Missing!

Episode 4

A collection of characters around a smoking outline of Nebraska.

Motherboard, who was Hard Drive's wife, came on next. 'Mister President, what your tribe has done to Nebrfaska's topsoil is unforgiveable. And your society doesn't have a clue about building it up again. We can do this for you, but you'll pay extra.'

'It's not just a matter of the land,' President Woodhed cautioned. 'Millions of American citizens were in Nebraska when it disappeared, and their constitutional rights have to be protected.'

'Let's call a spade a spade, Mister President,' Hard Drive replied. 'You want Warren Buffett back because he's rich. But suppose I told you that Buffett, like almost all the other Nebraskans, has a much better life with us, and would prefer not to return to your planet. According to our polls, most Nebraskans feel that way. They love our planet, which has olots of parkland, crystal-clear water, clean air, and no man-made deserts or asphalt jungles. It all boils down to what you're willing to pay to get Nebraska back. You can make us an offer, but don't insult our intelligence by expecting us to accept your printed currency. And PLEASE, we're not amused by cheap trinkets either. We'll give you 24 hours to think about this. Be forewarned, though. Nebraska has a lot of valuable minerals that you aren't advanced enough to make use of, so be prepared to pay plenty. We'll be in touch. Goodbye.'

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