4th Annual H2G2 Bikini Competition
Created | Updated Oct 20, 2002

H2G2 Bikini Competition |
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The Bare Facts Of Beach-Bathing Bikini Babes

For a small item of clothing, Bikinis have had a surprisinly large effect on contemporary culture. Mention a James Bond film to someone, and the scene they are most likely to remember is from Dr. No when Ursula Andress came ashore from the sea dressed in that bikini. Ask someone what the funniest sketch in a comedy film is, and chances are they remember the scene from Carry On Camping when Barbara Windsor, does her excercises in a bikini and it flies off.
That is the impact the humble bikini has had! It doesn't matter that Ursula Andress' Honey Rider Bond girl was the dullest other than Britt Ekland's Goodnight, what matters is that the Bikini turned even her into a sex symbol. That is the Bikini's power; it can even make Barbara Windsor1 look attractive.
So, if that is the power of the bikini, why not harness it, and enter this year's Bikini Competition!

Rules for Entering:
Entry into the competition has just begun!
- You can either nominate yourself, or someone else. If you nominate someone else, you must leave a link to their homepage in the nominating thread. To enter or nominate - click here.
- Only people on H2G2 can be nominated to enter.
- As this is a HRASC approved competition, we would like to ask all entrants to join the H2G2 Researchers Against Swimming Costumes
- You also must be "seen" wearing your bikini. This just involves hanging around threads in both the Swimming Pool and the Beach. I'm not fussy, any threads there will do, so just visit, say hi, and hopefully hang around for a chat.
Rules for Disqualification:
You can be disqualified if:
- You never actually wear your bikini anywhere - ie, if you don't go to the Swimming Pool and the Beach at all.
- You are rude or insulting to anyone else in the competition2
- You take the competition too seriously.
The Rules In Case Of A Draw
When voting begins, in the event of a draw, the following may apply:
- Previous entry into the Annual Bikini Competition may be taken into consideration. If the person has entered three previous competitions, this will count as two points. If the person has entered both two competitions, this will count as two points. If the person has entered either only the first or only the second competition or only the third, this will count as a single point.
- If this still results in a draw, an extra weeks voting may be allowed. Who-ever gains the most votes during that week will be declared the winner.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:
- Do I have to be female to enter the bikini competition?
- Of course not - the competition is open to anything animal, vegitable, mineral or alien. As long as it looks good - or bad - in a bikini.
- What about sharks????
- Don't worry - this bikini competition, somehow, remains HRASC compatible.
- How exactly does this competition remain HRASC3 compatible when bikinis are swimming costumes?
- People in the competition are wearing Bikinis, not swimming in them. As the bikinis are being
intended to be worn, they aren't swimming costumes, merely clothes, and so are HRASC compatible.
- People in the competition are wearing Bikinis, not swimming in them. As the bikinis are being
Entrants So Far This Year

In alphabetical order, to avoid favouritism, complete with a description of their bikini:
- Alex A - wearing a one-piece which is covering in tiny coloured bulbs which form animated patterns which changes from time-to-time.
- Amy Pawloski: 'Paper Lady' - Wearing an intricately colourful bikini. Some of the design's pretty small, so attention should be drawn to how the vines twine and how Amy coloured in each leaf, even if the biggest *is* only a couple mm across.
- Apollo - Golden Chain-Mail Thong
- Bumblebee - wearing a glittering sea-green bikini, decorated with a slowly shifting starfish pattern. A delicate matching scarf loosely round the hips and a magnificent pearl necklace completes this truly elegant ensemble.
- Cærwynn - wearing a bikini where the fabric is a shimmery aquamarine with miniature tropical fish in all their glorious colours, attached. The fish are invisibly fixed in such a way that they appear to be swimming over the fabric. The purple tang is particularly impressive.
- Cal Fortuneswell - wearing his incredible invisible trog bikini.
- Clelba - wearing an almost but not quite entirely un-see-through black bikini. She is barefoot, has long hair flowing down to middle of her back, with small black roses decorating it.
- Demon Drawer - wearing MacIntosh tartan Bottoms and a top with shamrocks on the left breast and thistles on the right.
- E G Mel - Wearing a simple black string bikini top with delicate silver and gold spiral tracings that shimmer in the light and make one think of a
s web with the morning dew catching the light.
- Kristina, the Flamenco Dancer- Has a deep tan, with a bright red hibiscus flower in her dark hair, wearing a gold lamé bikini, bracelets of tiny white sea shells and a red scarf tied around hips, more fringes than scarf actually, accentuating the swaying of her hips.
- Mackenzie - Neon-green bikini that shimmers independantly of lighting, plus green aura and butterfly wings.
- MaW - Wearing a bikini cunningly crafted of absolutely nothing at all.
- Mina - Wearing a burnt red and orange itsy witsy teeny weeny painted on bikini, with henna designs around her navel and up her arms.
- Negative Creep - Wearing a Thong.
- Nurgle - Wearing a bikini made out of ice-cream and purple fluff.
- Red Dog - Wearing a black and white cow pattern fun fur bikini and thinking that he looks pretty damn good in the outfit ... so good that he is considering permanently exchange his Uncle Heavy style Hybiscus shirt for it.
- Some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one - wearing a radioactive atoll in a lovely colour scheme of green and white in such a way that his extremely unattractive chest hair is showing. The radiation is making his skin into a matching green colour and his hair has been dyed white. The atoll is riding a little low at the back, so he has a "plumber's crack" showing.
- Tinkerbell - Wearing Kylie-sque silver hotpants with bejeweled tie bikini top and shiny silvery glittery tassels.
- Titania - Lightly tanned and barefoot, wearing a white bikini covered by tiny pink roses, trimmed with lace, with a corset-style top, short enough to expose her belly, a single white magnolia flower in her sunbleached hair, a chain with tiny silver bells around one ankle tingling faintly with every step.
- Turvy - Wearing a 1970's knitted turquoise number.
- VIP - wearing a shimmering tiara and sequined bikini glittering in the sunlight.
Previous Results

1st Bikini Competition - 1999 |
2nd Bikini Competition - 2000 |
3rd Bikini Competition - 2001 |
4th Bikini Competition - 2002 |
The Swimming Pool And Beach:
If you've never been to the Swimming Pool or the Beach before, here's a guide to help you chose the thread for you.