About me (Alex A - Keeper of Number Seven)
I'm an avid reader and watcher of SF+F and regularly role-play.
You can find more about my RPG club at AVGaS.
Waiting for Joss, my collaborative Firefly blog
See A4300796 for details.
Keeper of Number Seven
I am the Keeper of Number Seven. Please use it wisely - I'll be watching.
See Keepers for more.
My home - The Lighthouse 
In the H2G2 world I live in The Lighthouse. All temporary or permanent visitors are welcome - there's plenty of room for all!
The Myth of 42
Can you get your User number to equal the magical 42? Go to The Myth of 42.
Mine works!
U180229 = ([1x8]-(0+2))x(-2+9) = 42
Member of H2G2 Queen Fan Club
One of the best rock bands ever, see The H2G2 Queen Fan Club for more.
H2G2 Code
My H2G2 Researcher Code block follows:
Version: 1.0
RGB>$ SA B+++ TV+ r+ D A->+ P-: s>+ V E>+ PR a->+ T? nh? C+
-----END H2G2 CODE BLOCK-----
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Happy birthday Alex A! | Dec 21, 2005 |
7, eh? | Aug 20, 2003 |
Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Feb 19, 2003 |
Hello Alex. . . | Aug 5, 2001 |
Alex A (Keeper of 7)
Researcher U180229
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."