Posted: 2nd September 2004
September already! After the excitement of the August Bank Holiday last Monday in England and Wales (not Scotland who have one at the start of August instead) and the glittering if slightly overlong end to the Olympics, most children and students prepare to attend school and college again. Of course here in Holland and no doubt most of the rest of Europe, the USA and Antipodes, school is already in full swing. This section of the year always seems to drag by somewhat. Holidays are a distant glow in the mind and half term seems a long way off. In Alphen, however, we have the 'JaarMaarkt' to look forward to in a couple of Wednesdays time. Why am I telling you this? Because I have an afternoon/evening of DJ duties to perform and so will be unavailable for late night editing. I will remind you all nearer the time, of course, but please bear in mind that the 'official' deadline for Post articles is on a Monday at midnight GMT. This gives Greebo and myself plenty of time to organise your regular weekly read!
Talking of 'The Post Team' I hope that you will all join us in welcoming Titania as the new ADE - Assistant Deputy Editor. She will primarily be responsible for maintaining the Back Issue pages, the club pages and the Classified Ads which will now be run by The Post.
Also in this edition, we are now linking in our 'news' section to the newly formed WOTeva, a newsletter for young teens in and around h2g2. In this week's issue are TV and film reviews, the Top Forty and gaming plus useful links to other teen-oriented pages on h2g2. If you are one of our younger readers - or young at heart - why not pop over and say hello.
Finally, a reminder that the Post is always happy to receive articles from new and old contributors. The h2g2 Philosopher's Guild could do with more of your thoughts, the H2G2 Bookworms Club needs more reviewers, The Post
Room 101 Message Service is waiting for your suggestions (please read the rules in the article for this first) and we are always on the look out for poetry, fiction and recipes! Next week also coincides with 11 September so your thoughts/memories of that dreadful event are also invited. More information can be found at The Post Office or by reading Inside The Post and Other Stories... ShazzPRME |
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The Post Room 101
Egon on People and 'X'-gate scandals,
Sports Gear and complaints about TV Sport
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h2g2 NEWS |
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