Entertainment for Insomniacs

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Egon- watching late night television so you don't have to

'Kum Ba Ya My Lord, Kum Ba Ya' - Premier Christian Radio and Digital Radio in General

I rescanned my digibox the other day. It was productive. I removed the E4 that I couldn't watch because I don't have a slot for a top-up TV card, got back ITV 1 which had been lost a few scans ago and gave me a couple of new digital radio stations.

One of these new stations is TalkSport which, if you hadn't guessed, is a station dedicated to talk and sport. It used to be called Talk Radio until they got obsessed with sport. It's got phone-ins most of the time and news. It's like a very, very bad version of Radio 5 - if the whole channel was Richard Bacon.

The other new radio channel I got was sometyhing called Premier Christian Radio. There was a very uplifting version of 'O Happy Day' on the Gospel Programme when I first picked the channel up and the
stations seems to be dedicated to gospel, hymns, christian rock, bible
readings and sermons. It's christ-tastic.

The station's typical ads are all along the lines of 'Do you still believe in life after death, even in these modern times?' To which my response is 'Hell, half of Velvet Revolver have died at least once and are still capable of playing their instruments, so why not?'

I also got a digital radio the other day and it's great. Stations that I had anyway are now clear and resonant without interference. I can listen to the London station Xfm anywhere in the country without having to use the internet to do so and there are such digital-specific stations as 3C - a specialist country station which spends a little too much time on Dwight Yoakam and LeAnn Womack and none on Johnny Cash or Patsy Cline - Capital Disney - designed specifically for children - DNN - a news channel that hasn't launched yet - and Life - which is like Radio 2 only aimed at an
older audience.

But DAB Digital radio doesn't have Premier Christian Radio on it. Shame!

'I took Jesus for my saviour, you'll take him too...'

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