Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being
Created | Updated Sep 2, 2004

The Matrix waited until the power of Jesus' word had spread and gained influence, then infiltrated it. Not long after Christianity became the official religion of the Holy Roman Empire, it started accusing non-Christians of heresy, and they began to suffer. The components of the Matrix entered into many of the Popes and caused them to become totally greedy and immoral men. The church became anti-science and anti-knowledge, and persecuted Galileo for believing the evidence of his own eyes and observations above the theories of Thomas Aquinas. While some of Aquinas' philosophies regarding things such as lying and the seven deadly sins are quite valid, his idea of the solar system was verifiably wrong. Much later, Aleister Crowley was persecuted for saying the same thing as Jesus, but in a very slightly different way: 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will.'
Perhaps God saw that the Matrix would corrupt Christianity, which is why Muhammad came to this planet. Muhammad presented the truth again, and once again he said it slightly differently, though some of it seems to have been a reaction against the decadence that was even then creeping into Christianity. The Qu'ran repeatedly says that the Christians are immoral for corrupting and concealing the true meaning of the Scriptures. Unfortunately, Islam also fell prey to the Matrix, and many Muslim rulers and leaders today seem to be rather psychotic despots, instead of the loving father figures one would expect.
You see, the Matrix often grows too large to be effective, and then it must wither for a bit and let people do their own thing. It first occurred in the 1960s, when hippies appeared and rejected the enforced conformity of the previous generation. They entered a new era of peace, love and individuality, and nearly succeeded in altogether destroying the Matrix. However, after a while, the Matrix crept back in in the form of glam rock; fortunately, the Countermatrix had by now been established, and punk rock appeared. The Countermatrix is broadly similar to the Matrix, but is based on voluntary efforts to make the world a better place rather than enforced selfishness. Unfortunately, even the Countermatrix itself could not resist the Matrix, and was subsumed. Nowadays, the Matrix is subtle, using techniques absorbed from the Countermatrix to trick people into thinking that they are doing things out of their own free will, when in fact they are merely cells in a far greater organism. There is still a hint of a few older incarnations of the Matrix, such as fundamentalists and ultraconservative parents, but these breeds are dying off. The different groups are often in conflict with each other, unaware that they are all in fact parts of the same whole, and the perceived conflict is merely the Matrix disguising its true presence.
Respiration of the Matrix: Being intangible, the Matrix does not truly respire. It does, however, require a food source for energy; this energy comes from human souls. If any alien civilizations are at the same level as Earth, then there are similar, independent Matrices on those planets. The souls are not destroyed, but when the human chooses to die, the soul automatically leaves the Matrix; it has not yet figured out how to retain them. If it tries to develop a way, it may be detrimental to itself, since it would be forced to let its components know that there is such thing as a soul.
Movement of the Matrix: Due to modern communication technology, the Matrix does not need to move about; it exists everywhere, and is starting to think that it has existed and will exist everywhen as well. If we are to truly advance as a species, in the fields of evolution, technology, and spirituality, then we must throw off the Matrix, and that means using communication to actually communicate with each other, not to spread nonphysical viruses. The Matrix did once have to move around in individual minds, for example travelling priests and monks, but now it is all around us, and makes itself appear much more accessible than God. It has hence made itself a false god, which nonetheless garners a far greater level of love, respect, and worship than any real god you might care to mention.
Excretion of the Matrix: Original thought is a natural waste product of developing new ways to become omnipresent. The Matrix excretes these, and though we are thought to fear and loath this excrement, it is actually full of nutrients for the mind and soul.
Nutrition of the Matrix: The Matrix feeds on human souls. These are not destroyed, but reside in an invisible energy core protected by big business. The Matrix feeds of the infinite perpetual energy of these souls, but a humaton may at any time reject this and reclaim their soul. Unfortunately, it can take a supreme effort of will, and much of the huma(to)n's will resides within the soul itself. The desert of the real can also look pretty lonely to an outsider, and so no humaton is especially eager to reclaim their soul. Oh, well.
Coordination of the Matrix: As technology increases, the Matrix becomes ever more coordinated. At one point it was fairly bloated and ineffectual, but after the great advances made in communications technology, it managed to deceive post-hippies to willingly surrender their souls, and is now incredibly huge, but also very lithe and graceful. It will take a far greater effort to dispel this version of the Matrix than the last one.
Until we meet again, my friend, this is Hussassan, signing off.
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