Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being
Created | Updated Aug 26, 2004

The Matrix manifests and perpetuates itself in various ways. It is not some sort of abstract concept; the Matrix is a very real, sentient, intangible entity. It even follows many of the seven characteristics of life, which can be found in any biology textbook. They are growth, sensitivity, respiration, movement, excretion, nutrition, and coordination. I will examine these in turn.
First, however, one must look at what exactly the Matrix is. It is a nonphysical organism existing in, around, through, and between the minds of practically everyone on God's blue Earth. There are, in fact, several Matrices, of which God Herself is several. The Matrix I am referring to, however, is a selfish, destructive one, selfishness being one of its main components. The other main components of this Matrix are greed, lust, pride, materialism, conformity, and hypocrisy.1
The Matrix has existed in one form or another for centuries. At first, it was fairly benign, as it consisted largely of direct contact with God, and an eternal bond to Gaia; these are two of the Matrices which make up God. Even the bad Matrix is a part of God, for God is everywhere; however, God is also totally good, whereas this Matrix is very bad, hence the Matrix is not truly God. Good and bad may be human inventions, but hey, I'm a human; also, I don't believe that any good can possibly come out of any system which totally forces us away from God - even the Freedom From Religion foundation ultimately does God's work in a lot of cases, as they do a lot to free people from oppression.
Growth of the Matrix: The Matrix is increasing in size pretty much every centisecond. It has now become quite bloated, and will have to go through a period of withering if it is to reassert itself. It grows like the Borg Collective from Star Trek - by absorbing
other organisms into itself. However, there are important differences. While the Collective can be harmed by the use of such things as phasers, the Matrix is totally intangible, and thus must be fought with the power of thoughts and feelings. Also, while one can generally
physically see the Collective approaching, the Matrix is far subtler. It absorbs people by gradually and subtly luring them in, until they willingly and unknowingly surrender their souls. If this does not work, antibodies are activated; these take the form of passionate humatons who beat aberrants into submission, so that they give up their souls to stop the suffering. These are retained by the Matrix and move to neither God nor Choronzon (though I believe that Ahriman may take them for a while).
Sensitivity of the Matrix: The Matrix is sensitive to change. If any major change ever tries to occur, antibodies move quickly to stifle it. This is why millions of people still smoke tobacco, yet marijuana is illegal in many places. It is why the noble and peace-loving
religions of Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism have been at each other's throats for about two millennia. It is why all modern pop music is hopelessly generic.
The Matrix originally existed as organized religion. I do not know how it got so out of hand. At one point, there was no doubt as to the existence of God. Then people started to get ideas about good and evil. It got so bad that we lost utopia, an event told metaphorically in Genesis (Book 1 of the Bible). However, we retained just enough
contact for a relatively peaceful matriarchy to be established, where there was some contact with God and where everyone worked together to build a better world.
Back then, everyone knew that God was a woman - this was natural, since women were in charge. Men, meanwhile, only existed to carry heavy loads and reproduce.* Therefore, a few of the weaker, uglier men decided that they had had enough, and formulated the idea of a
child of Gaia who was so evil that he even tried to dethrone his own mother. You guessed it, this is how Satan come to be. Eventually the angel Choronzon would take on the role of Satan, but for now, it functioned as a way of getting more importance for men - after all, Satan had a third of Gaia's children in his army, so She would need a protector of some kind. This protector, first Gaia's general, then Her bodyguard, and eventually Her husband, gradually grew in importance until Gaia vanished and humanity just had God. Where Gaia gracefully
surrendered to the laws of nature, God zealously commanded them. However, the idea of Gaia and God in equal importance was relatively recently resurrected by Gerald Gardner when he founded Wicca.
Meanwhile, people had greatly distanced themselves from God by turning Her into a man, all in the name of establishing a patriarchy. This was when the Ahriman-Matrix separated from God and started enforcing conformity; if anyone was of a different religeon, they were
quickly burned at the stake/stoned to death.
Krshna and Buddha arrived on Earth to try and change things by telling people the Truth about God; however, they were largely ignored outside a relatively small area (though admittedly it was pretty big back then), and their ideas about chakras, yoga, reincarnation,
etc would eventually consolidate Matrix power in the New Age Era.
When Jesus came down, he, too, preached the Truth. He also suggested how great it would be if everyone would be nice to each other for a change, and we hanged him. (Many believe that he was in fact nailed to a tree, but this is false; the original scriptures say that he was actually hanged, and the crucifixion was invented later in order to absorb the symbol of the cross.) Jesus was an incredible liberal and, for a while, the Matrix allowed his word to spread.
Continues next week...
Until we meet again, my friend, this is Hussassan, signing off.
Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being Archive
the one I am talking about. For other Matrices, I will refer to them by individual names, such as 'Lucifer-Matrix.' 'The Matrix' should therefore properly be referred to as the 'Ahriman-Matrix,' but I don't want to keep typing that out.