Caption Competition Final Results - Unofficial London Summer Meet 2004

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Well this is it, the final winner and the two runners up of the Unofficial London Summer Meet 2004 Caption Competition. Both Shazz and I would like to thank everyone who came up with all those funny and sometimes downright hilarous captions that has kept us laughing for the past six weeks. WE hope you have enjoyed them as much as we have.


Last week's picture gave us many amusing captions to mull
over and The Post Team were very hard pressed to come up with a favourite. But like all good
judges we came to a decision:

The Winner is...

'Someone at the party took the words to 'Agadoo' rather more seriously than anyone else.'
by Lizzbett

The two runners up are...

"Why have you got a pineapple on your head?'

'I found this magic lamp with a genie and was given ONE wish. I looked around the room at all the lovely ladies and wished that I could feel a little fruity'


'Unfortunately the H2G2 Olympic Organising Committee had neglected to order olive wreaths, so the gold medalist in Pub Crawl Marathon was forced to wear fresh fruit on his head.'

Well done to all three of you and sorry for all those who just missed out.


Greebo T. Cat

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