Spiff's old userpage stuff.

0 Conversations

smiley - ufosmiley - ufo


smiley - ufosmiley - ufo

A sci-fi fantasy world
My most recent conversations

My Links | Stats
| The French Connection
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| The French Revolution
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/ My Edited Guide Entries
/ Un-edited miscellania
/ Under Construction
/ Entries in review fora
/British English sequel
/ British English Sequel Index

Just so as you know, I prefer the guide in goo, so everything is kind of blue-with-gooey-bits from my side.

Anyone who is planning to use formatting in an h2g2 entry could save themselves time and hassle by using GuidePost. It's an MS-style programme that makes everything point'n'click simple, generously provided by h2g2's own MaW.

I once learnt something useful about using different fonts! A helpful girl called Ben pointed out how it looked in Alabaster and I changed it accordingly.

smiley - cheers ahgcBen!

What am I doing on h2g2?

I first stumbled upon this site when looking for anything about

the h2g2 books and on perusing a few entries

I quickly realised I had something interesting.

Then I noticed the conversation threads and commented in some of them.

I had never been a keen user of discussion forums

nor was I looking to 'join' one at the time.

I *had* tried the BBC film message boards, but found them unsatisfying.

Although some people clearly were having discussions,

I tended not to butt in and didn't get much direct response to my comments.

smiley - biggrin

So, tout ca pour dire that I wasn't *really* looking for all this.

I am thinking about it coz yesterday I was busy updating this space

and I realised that I have learned lots of useful stuff here.

Not that I take myself for a programmer just coz I can copy and paste,

but I *can* just about work out (with a little help from a guru) how G-ML works.

Of course, that's not the only thing that I have learnt here,

but it is one thing that I can actually point to and say, 'I learnt that on h2g2'.

smiley - cheers

Read the Melba Toast!


The Toast is an essential part of any researcher's day-to-day existence. It's a right rivetin' read!
Spaceman Spiff

Of course, nobody calls it the Toast. It's my idea of a gag, I'm afraid, based on the Currant Bun. Well, I laughed. smiley - biggrin

This title was too long

Get into it!

And so was this paragraph, so I zapped into this tiny little font! Ha-ha! smiley - devil I used to think it was pretty amazing to have a link to the


page. It seemed like a pretty major task doing the GuideML. Doesn't seem quite so grand now. Ah, nostalgia! I only recently realised that it is often easier just to c and p a smiley from someone nearby! All that toing (doesn't rhyme with boing) and froing coz I'd forgotten the word to use for
smiley - winkeye! smiley - grr

This Is Me Swallowing A Guide Researcher!

Then I had these funky drop-down list type thingies, but that went a bit wrong. Now this section just contains these rather flash motion pictures. smiley - biggrin

Don't be a Jonah!

The Popeye Chucklers


If you are interested in writing entries that aren't intended to go into the edited guide, you could try popping over to the

Alternative Writing Workshop

, otherwise known as AWW.

The Writers Workshop is somewhere to get feedback about a work in progress and, - This is the really clever part. You ready? - the AWW is the same thing, but 'alternative'. Pretty smiley - cool, eh. Some of us hope this might be a place to discuss entries that are interesting to read and talk about *even though* they don't meet the notorious

Guidelines for Writing Edited Entries

in certain ways.

Funny stuff, personal stuff, silly stuff, sterner stuff, stuffed stuff, the stuff that dreams are made of and all kinds of other stuff that I can't be bothered think of just now. You can get an idea of what we like by browsing through our


. Not any old s***e though; we don't want that! smiley - biggrin . Oh yeah, and no foolish rudeness either, please. smiley - peacedove

AGG/GAG links -

Chuckler Links | AGG/GAG_account
| ~jwf~
| Tonsil_Revenge
| Subcom_Deidzoeb
| Martin
| Spiff
| Bossel_SE
| Hobbes
| Shazz PME
| The_Post_Team
| AGG_Homepage
| Waiters
| Archives

Chuckler threads | Organisational Discussion
| Okay, now what?
| Chuckler Nominations
| More suggestions
| Scouted for you
| Yet more findings
| Some weeding needed

Learning about GuideML the easy way

There's more than one way to learn about Guide ML. The fast track is here. But the full *official* [smiley - wow] guide to GML is also very useful when you are an absolute beginner or if you need to find the answer to a specific question.

Click here for the GuideML code for this space.

Ok, this is now the 'links' section

Other Links | h2g2 Announcements
| Noticeboard
| h2g2 Anonymous
| h2g2 Post
| Smiley List
| 42 Mythology
| Index
| EngLang Proj
| Freddy
| Wandrin' Star
| Strider
| New Users
| Statistics
| More Statistics
| Web Safe Colours

Contacting Me

One BEAUTIFUL fish thanks to Amy The Ant, click here to go to her user space

This rather nifty email link comes courtesy of E G Mel, as I lifted it directly from her page. smiley - cheers E G Mel! Hope you don't mind the plagiarism. She also had the rather impressive fish piccie next to this text. Pretty smiley - cool, eh?! If you click on it it will take you to Amy the Ant's page (for 'tis her creation) and you can see some other great stuff that she has done.

Leave me a message on h2g2 using the box below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Or catch the fish above and send me an e-mail.1

Need I really say it? Nah!
1NB - It's just a Hotmail address, so make sure I won't mistake you for another of the dozens of spams I seem to attract daily on that account. smiley - biggrin

If you weren't quick enough to catch the fish, you can still click here to send me e-mail.

A spot of decor

A black and white duck in front of a plant with butterflies fying above

I thought I'd add a little greenery to my serendipitous Spiff Space.2

Ahh, it's amazing what a black and white duck in front of a plant with butterflies fying (sic) above can do for the nerves after all that gooey-blue!

I think this flower looks pretty nifty too. It's there for my Mum, I suppose, coz those are her favourite colours. Hi Momlady! smiley - biggrin

Click here to E-MAIL

Happy hitchin'! And remember...

smiley - ufosmiley - ufo


smiley - ufosmiley - ufo

Chuckler list:AGG/GAG account~jwf~Tonsil Revenge=X Subcom DeidzoebMartinSpiffBossel SEHobbesShazz PMEThe Post TeamChuckler placesAGG HomepageWaitersArchivesAWWGuidelinesGuide to GML
Need I really say it? Nah!

smiley - ufosmiley - ufo


smiley - ufosmiley - ufo
The big red fire engine!

A sci-fi fantasy world

My Links | Stats
| Ask H2g2
| The French Connection
| The French Revolution
| Agg/Gag
| Alt WW
| Other links

Adverts on a bus

I used to *much* prefer the guide in goo, in a skin in which everything is kind of blue-with-gooey-bits.

But they recently brought out this new skin called Brunel, and it's actually rather good, I think. So if you fancy a change; Brunel has considerable advantages over the other skins when posting or (particularly) creating guide entries.

Some useful things to know about DNA sites

Well, firstly, these pages are created using a simple mark-up language, called GuideML (GML). There's more than one way to learn about Guide ML, but the fast track [smiley - run] is here. If you'd rather have the drier but more comprehensive low-down, the full *official* [smiley - wow] guide to GML is also very useful when you are an absolute beginner or if you need to find the answer to a specific question.

To try out the quick fix, just click here for the GuideML code for this space. Identify the element you want to pinch, copy it, then go edit your own personal space and just paste in what you copied. There's no copyright on PS stuff! [smiley - thief]

If it's an h2g2 entry that you're creating, GuidePost is handy MS-style programme that makes everything point'n'click simple, generously provided by h2g2's own MaW.

In conversations, smileys are very useful, and fun, smiley - ok. In some skins there are a few easily available point 'n' click smileys immediately available - nice and easy! But if you see a smiley in someone elses post, and think, 'Hey, that's a smiley - cool smiley, how do i get to use that?', just click on the smiley itself to go to the main Smiley page with a full list and many text shortcuts that are very handy in threads. Unfortunately, you can't try it out here, cos it only works in conversation threads. smiley - sadface

Finally, I once learnt something useful about using different fonts! A helpful girl called Ben pointed out how it looked in Alabaster and I changed it accordingly.

smiley - cheers ahgcBen!

What am I doing on h2g2?

I first stumbled upon this site when looking for anything about

the h2g2 books and on perusing a few entries

I quickly realised I had something interesting.

Then I noticed the conversation threads and commented in some of them.

I had never been a keen user of discussion forums

nor was I looking to 'join' one at the time.

I *had* tried the BBC film message boards, but found them unsatisfying.

Although some people clearly were having discussions,

I tended not to butt in and didn't get much direct response to my comments.

smiley - biggrin

So, tout ca pour dire that I wasn't *really* looking for all this.

I am thinking about it coz yesterday I was busy updating this space

and I realised that I have learned lots of useful stuff here.

Not that I take myself for a programmer just coz I can copy and paste,

but I *can* just about work out (with a little help from a guru) how G-ML works.

Of course, that's not the only thing that I have learnt here,

but it is one thing that I can actually point to and say, 'I learnt that on h2g2'.

smiley - cheers

Read the Melba Toast!


The Toast is an essential part of any researcher's day-to-day existence. It's a right rivetin' read!
Spaceman Spiff

Of course, nobody calls it the Toast. It's my idea of a gag, I'm afraid, based on the Currant Bun. Well, I laughed. smiley - biggrin

This title was too long

Get into it!

And so was this paragraph, so I zapped into this tiny little font! Ha-ha! smiley - devil I used to think it was pretty amazing to have a link to the


page. It seemed like a pretty major task doing the GuideML. Doesn't seem quite so grand now. Ah, nostalgia! I only recently realised that it is often easier just to c and p a smiley from someone nearby! All that toing (doesn't rhyme with boing) and froing coz I'd forgotten the word to use for
smiley - winkeye! smiley - grr

This Is Me Swallowing A Guide Researcher!

Then I had these funky drop-down list type thingies, but that went a bit wrong. Now this section just contains these rather flash motion pictures. smiley - biggrin

smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco

Don't be a Jonah!

The Popeye Chucklers


If you are interested in writing entries that aren't intended to go into the edited guide, you could try dropping into the Alternative Writing Workshop by clicking here: AWW.

The Writers Workshop is somewhere to get feedback about a work in progress and, - This is the really clever part. You ready? - the AWW is the same thing, but 'alternative'. Pretty smiley - cool, eh. Some of us hope this might be a place to discuss entries that are interesting to read and talk about *even though* they don't meet the notorious Guidelines for Writing Edited Entries in certain ways.

Naturally, AggGag has its own alternative guidelines. Well, what would you expect?

Funny stuff, personal stuff, silly stuff, sterner stuff, stuffed stuff, the stuff that dreams are made of and all kinds of other stuff that I can't be bothered think of just now. You can get an idea of what we like by browsing through our archive
. Not any old s***e though; we don't want that! smiley - biggrin . Oh yeah, and no foolish rudeness either, please. smiley - peacedove

AGG/GAG/CAC members:

Chuckler list:AGG/GAG-homepage~jwf~Tonsil Revenge=X Subcom.DeidzoebMartinSpiffBosselHobbesZaphodShazz PRMEThe h2g2PostTeamWaitersArchives

Contacting Me

One BEAUTIFUL fish thanks to Amy The Ant, click here to go to her user space

This rather nifty email link comes courtesy of E G Mel, as I lifted it directly from her page. smiley - cheers E G Mel! Hope you don't mind the plagiarism. She also had the rather impressive fish piccie next to this text. Pretty smiley - cool, eh?! If you click on it it will take you to Amy the Ant's page (for 'tis her creation) and you can see some other great stuff that she has done.

Leave me a message on h2g2 using the box below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Or catch the fish above and send me an e-mail.3

Need I really say it? Nah!
3NB - It's just a Hotmail address, so make sure I won't mistake you for another of the dozens of spams I seem to attract daily on that account. smiley - biggrin

If you weren't quick enough to catch the fish, you can still click here to send me e-mail.

A spot of decor

A black and white duck in front of a plant with butterflies fying above

I thought I'd add a little greenery to my serendipitous Spiff Space.4

Ahh, it's amazing what a black and white duck in front of a plant with butterflies fying (sic) above can do for the nerves after all that gooey-blue!

I think this flower looks pretty nifty too. It's there for my Mum, I suppose, coz those are her favourite colours. Hi Momlady! smiley - biggrin

Click here to E-MAIL

Happy hitchin'! And remember...

1NB - It's just a Hotmail address, so make sure I won't mistake you for another of the dozens of spams I seem to attract daily on that account. smiley - biggrin2I know 'serendipitous' was totally inaccurate, inappropriate and pretentious. Sorry about that. Fun to write though! 3NB - It's just a Hotmail address, so make sure I won't mistake you for another of the dozens of spams I seem to attract daily on that account. smiley - biggrin4I know 'serendipitous' was totally inaccurate, inappropriate and pretentious. Sorry about that. Fun to write though!

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h2g2 is created by h2g2's users, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the Not Panicking Ltd. Unlike Edited Entries, Entries have not been checked by an Editor. If you consider any Entry to be in breach of the site's House Rules, please register a complaint. For any other comments, please visit the Feedback page.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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