Project: The French Revolution, 1789-1799
Created | Updated Nov 4, 2002
- Project Name: Project: The French Revolution, 1789-1799
- Field Researcher: Spaceman Spiff
- Department: Arts
- Faculty: History
- Start Date: January 25th, 2002
- End Date: June 30th, 2002
- Assisting Sub-Editor:
A new brave individual has stepped forward to Sub-Ed this Uni Project now. Hip, hip...

Project Description
Pages currently in progress: This section is to be completed as the project progresses, it doesn't have to be completed when you make your initial application to the Admissions Office.
- An overview of the French Revolution
- Pre-revoluitionary France - The Ancien Regime
- The 1789 Revolution
- The Constituent Assembly 1789-1791
- The Legislative Assembly 1791-1792
- The Convention 1792-1795
- An overview of the French Revolution
- Glossary
- The Ancien Regime
- Louis XVI
- Marie-Antoinette
- Sieyès
- La Fayette
- Robespierre.
- St.Just
- Danton
- Marat
- Carnot
- Bailly
- Mirabeau
- The Terror
- The Committee for Public Safety
- The Diamond Necklace Affair
Things to write about:
- The Diamond Necklace Affair
- The convocation of the Estates General
- The Cahiers des Doléances
- The 'Jeu de Paume' oath
- The formation of the Constituent Assembly
- The Paris Commune
- The Fall of the Bastille
- The Abolition of Privileges - To do
- The Declaration of the Rights of Man - To do
- Women and the Fr Revolution
- The Press and the Fr Revolution
- The October Insurrection
- The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
The 'Fete de la Federation
- The Constitution - 4 September, 1791
- The Legislative Assembly 1791-1792
- The Revolutionary Clubs
- The Arrest of the Royal Family at the Varennes
- The September Massacres
- The Convention
- Valmy, 20 Sept 1792
- Montagnards
- Girondins
- The Terror
- The 'Sans-culottes'
- La Marseillaise
- The Revolutionary Calendar
The Departments
- The Constitution - Year I
- Trial and Execution of Louis XVI
- The Revolutionary Tribunal Samson and the Guillotine
- The Terror under the Convention
- The Vendee War
- The Committee for Public Safety
- The 'festival' of the supreme being
The 9 Thermidor coup
- The Constitution - Year III
- Napoleon - The 13 Vendémiaire, Year IV
- The Directory
- Monetary crisis
- Napoleon - Italy and Egypt
- Napoleon - Coup d'Etat, 18-19 Brumaire, Year VII
People to write about:
- Sieyès
- La Fayette
- Louis XVI
- Marie-Antoinette
- Necker
- Talleyrand
- Bailly
- Mounier
- Barnave, Duport et Lameth
- Mirabeau
- Brissot
- Vergniaud
- Roland
- Pétion
- Robespierre.
- St.Just
- Danton
- Marat
- Hébert
- Dumouriez
Fouquier-Tinville - Public prosecutor
Fouché - Terrorist, Lyon, Collot d'Herbois- Terrorist, Lyon, Carrier - Terrorist, Nantes; Tallien - Terrorist, Bordeaux; Le Bon - Terrorist, Arras; Barras et Fréron - Terrorist, Provence; Stofflet - ???
Charette et La Rochejaquelein, Vendée counter-revolutionaries
- Hoche
- Camille Desmoulins
- Couthon
- Barrère
- Carnot
- Billaud-Varenne
- Collot-d'Herbois
Barras, Rewbell, Carnot, Letourneur, La Réveillière-Lépeaux - First five directors
- Gracchus Babeuf
- The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
- The 'Fete de la Federation
- The Legislative Assembly
- The Arrest of the Royal Family at the Varennes
O Frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!
There are now *THREE* researchers contributing. Strider the Ranger offered his services back in the heady 'trying to get it all done by the end of March' days but has not been on-site much recently. He'll be back! *optimistic_beaming_smile*. And now And Introducing a leg has offered to produce a piece on arch-diplomat Talleyrand. Great!
Further Information Required
- I'm always looking for any specific or non-specific further information.
If you have further information that you think might be useful in this project, please post it in the conversations below, or contact the Field Researcher running this project (see above).