The UnderGuide Editors

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Let the UnderGuide revolution continue1
Welcome to the home of the UnderGuide's Editors. Four plaques sit in our lobby:
If there is nothing worth publishing that day, I would rather publish nothing.
- A quotation attributed to a broad called Ben
Let the UnderGuide revolution continue.
- A Verc called Terran
Don't wash your feet in the management's waterfall grotto.
- A Management called Corner Office
Only editors are unnatural.
- A damned seal
This persona originally belonged to just the editors risen from the ranks of UG Miners, Jodan and Tube, but it's gone on to include some trusted Miners at the positions of Assistant Editors and Consultative Editors. We are fellow researchers just like you who have volunteered our time and services to the great cause of the UnderGuide.
The UnderGuide is an effort to bring to light the best entries on h2g2 that fall outside of the Writing Guidelines for the Edited Guide. Before it was founded, many hootooers were frustrated with the Edited Guide not including fiction or other more creative writing. So an idea started of another guide alongside the EG for more creative entries. An alternative guide. An UnderGuide if you will. And the rest, as a historian once said, is history.
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Jodan | AWW | |
Waz | Pin | Trin |

The Editors
The editors are in charge of making sure the UG runs smoothly. They do a number of administrative things as well as their editorial duty. The first incarnations were democratically elected by the miners in June of 2003 and others have since been co-opted as needed2. So here they are in order of seniority...3
- Editor Emeritus in Prandium Jodan
Jodan pays the tab at the UnderGuide bar/pub/tavern/what-you-will and looks after the sheep. But if there's ever an emergency, he's the guy to go get.
- Co-Editors - Trin & Waz
Waz volunteered as a Miner, and then to help with admin and then got roped in as an Editor. Which is just more admin. The perk of the job is to ring the bell each month that sends the Miners down the mine 4. Having been found sleeping in the janitor's closet by his predecessor when he should have been polishing, Trin also got roped into being an Editor. Which is mostly admin for him as well. His perk is to get the whip out each month and round up the UnderGuide Polishers. He spends an inordinate amount of time trying to find where Matt left the nice teabags
- Archivist & Quality Assessor (QA) - Broe & Pin
The Archivist, though not an Editor, retains a position of honour in the hearts of the UG Miners and Gem Polishers. Currently, that Archivist is the lovely and legendary human being, broe, who doesn't smell of fish at all. The former Archivist (who does) continues to perpetrate the UnderGuide's QA5. This entails the giving of a third opinion on prospective UnderGuide Entries, with a view to keeping the UnderGuide's content varied, broad-ranging and at a consistently high level. And with a view to being an irksome little oik who delights in p*ssing everyone off, of course.
Lastly, we pay homage to our honorable former Editors and our h2g2 editorial friends who have helped us out through thick and thin.
- Matt, aka MJ, aka the Hoopy Frood with the hairy feet, was an Assistant Editor until he found the way out of the janitor's closet and decided to get some more education. He was and is a great ambassador for the Underguide, despite those feet. And despite the cormorants that followed him around for some reason.
- Ben, QA par excellence and massively committed volunteer has found herself out to lunch until the buffet goes cold. May she return sooner rather than after the port has run out.
- ~jwf~ moves in mysterious ways. One of the original champions of alternative writing through the various incarnations of AGG/GAG/CAC6, he's drifted in and out many a time.
- Tube edited through thick and thin and is unfortunately on a rather longer than brief hiatus. May he return to the fold soon.
- GTBacchus was the first editor7 of the UnderGuide, and one of its first supporters. He was deeply involved in setting up the initial processes of the UnderGuide.
- friendlywithteeth helped set the ball rolling in the right direction in the earliest discussions, and was tapped to help out as one of the first editors.
- Ashley nurtured the UnderGuide from the very first days, up until his job changed a while back. Like King Arthur, we are promised he will rise up again from his rest and rescue us should the need arise.
- Anna occasionally helped us out moving entries out of the AWW when Ashley was busy, until the staff shake-up.
- Paully was there when other Editors weren't, keeping us on the ball and in the loop. Having left for other climes (notably Whoverian), he may be back once his latest regeneration takes hold.
- Jimster was our most recent h2g2 editorial helper outer. Whenever we needed direction or advice, we turned to the great one. He approved entries for the front page. Entries fell and rose at his whim. The power!

Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Authorship of the stuff we write | Feb 11, 2011 |
New crest on the UG Front Page | Nov 15, 2010 |
The World's Most Stupid Archivist... | Jan 27, 2008 |
Remitting the Omission | May 3, 2007 |
Help! Pages! | Apr 8, 2007 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Alternative Writing Workshop: A2384598 - 'Kes' | Apr 14, 2006 | Feb 25, 2020 |
Well. Hello. | No Posting | Aug 12, 2017 |
Alternative Writing Workshop: A14588382 - Secret Family Business - a short story | Nov 10, 2006 | Feb 17, 2017 |
Alternative Writing Workshop: |
Feb 17, 2004 | Feb 10, 2017 |
Rumblings | No Posting | Apr 9, 2016 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."