A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 81

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This week's Post: A87905730

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 82

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This week's h2g2 Post 2018-05-20 is at A87905749 .

smiley - frog There was a jolly miller once, lived on the River Dee. He would have liked this week's issue of the h2g2 Post, and so will you - it has pictures from the miller's backyard! smiley - frog
smiley - frog Awix reviews 'Anon'.
smiley - frog Willem watches a graceful kite.
smiley - frog We know where our towels are: do you?
smiley - frog The Isle of Wight is kind to squirrels.
smiley - frog The h2g2 Post celebrates all things French: art, technology, flowers, architecture...tres belle!
smiley - frog Our humour is funny! Be sure to thank Paigetheoracle for the Spike Milligan pastiche.
smiley - frog We also salute space flight, political satire, and caving. We've got it all this week!
smiley - frog Read, enjoy, order your book, and remember to hunt up your towels for Towel Day on Friday! smiley - frog

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 83

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

h2g2 Post for this holiday weekend: A87905758

Happy Memorial Day to the US, Happy Bank Holiday to the UK, and everybody else - just enjoy the sunshine and absence of patriotic songs.

smiley - biggrin We have Towel pics! Admire! smiley - biggrin
smiley - biggrin Awix reviews a remarkable film about life in Afghanistan.
smiley - biggrin Willem takes you on a journey to Iron Crown in South Africa. Then he takes you back in time to the age of pre-mammals.
smiley - biggrin bobstafford takes you outside and shows you a panorama. Then he points out an unusual bird in a tree.
smiley - biggrin I take you on an intergalactical cruise from your desk. Then I take you down the road to see the bear statue. Which is weirder?
smiley - biggrin We show you a weird fish, and ask you to caption it.
smiley - biggrin SashaQ shows you flowers from Merrie Old England, and Florida Sailor shows you a turtle from sunny Florida.
smiley - biggrin Paigetheoracle and Freewayriding show you how to get out of yardwork and home repairs.
smiley - biggrin We show you how to become a saboteur.
smiley - biggrin Benjaminpmoore provides some grownup conversation.
smiley - biggrin We have good quizzes and bad jokes and more useless advice - oh, and a peek at next month's Create challenge!
smiley - biggrin That ought to hold you till we get a rope. TJ the new Assistant to the Editorial Assistant Kitty, says 'Meow!', which either means, 'Hi, h2g2ers!' or 'Help! Molly thinks I'm a new chew-toy!' smiley - biggrin

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 84

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

The h2g2 Post for 4 June 2018 is up at A87910149 !

smiley - magic The h2g2 Post is up! Share and enjoy! smiley - magic
smiley - magic Wildlife is profuse!
smiley - magic Bad puns abound!
smiley - magic Clickbait is everywhere! We have proof of time travel AND giant farm products!
smiley - magic Ridiculously cute cats!
smiley - magic Gardening wonders!
smiley - magic An intelligent cinema review for those with intellectual aspirations.
smiley - magic Amazing photography!
smiley - magic Quizzes to make your head hurt.
smiley - magic Towel Day Roundup! See the towel highlights!
smiley - magic We apologise for the scary clowns. Enjoy this issue: next week's will be even more of an extravaganza! smiley - magic

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 85

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

The h2g2 Post for 11 June is up at A87910158

smiley - biggrinThe h2g2 Post is up! Come read! smiley - biggrin
smiley - biggrinWe have so many amazing pictures, you will be astonished! Birds and cats and boats and cats and ducks and cats and moons and flowers and cats...and a chipmunk.
smiley - biggrinAwix reviews art-house cinema.
smiley - biggrinBenjaminpmoore is back to talk about Carers' Week.
smiley - biggrinQuizzes galore! Useless advice! Jokes, jokes, jokes!
smiley - biggrinStories and anecdotes! Claymation!
smiley - biggrinRead, enjoy, share on your social media! More next week! smiley - biggrin

PS This week, the Post Editor got a hand-written, snail-mail thank you note about a short story in the new h2g2 book. See? People read these things, and enjoy them.

PPS Remember: if you make Youtube videos of a non-personal nature that you would like to share in the Post, mail me the url with some brief comments. 'Non-personal' means no people who don't want to be seen, and particularly no kids at all. Household pets, home appliances, and random wildlife are fair game. We have video cameras and are not afraid to use them. See ducks in this week's issue.

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 86

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - eureka The h2g2 Post is up at A87910167, with a little 'help' from TJ the Assistant Assistant Kitty, whose remarks have been removed. Come admire all the photos and read all the stories! smiley - eureka
smiley - eureka Willem has a two-part photo essay on the Modjaji Cycad Forest - it will blow your mind!
smiley - eureka Amy P. has been on the Smith River. Feast your eyes!
smiley - eureka Awix talks about dinosaurs. You'll laugh.
smiley - eureka We have a whole fiction section! You'll be thrilled and amused.
smiley - eureka We also have factual stories. Learn something as we commemorate 'Juneteenth', and explore some blasts from the h2g2 journal past.
smiley - eureka We have quizzes, and humour, and cartoons, and other stuffz. Bluebottle shows you how to plug a book.
smiley - eureka We also have the oddest photos you've ever seen - until next week, of course! smiley - eureka

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 87

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

The h2g2 Post for 25 June 2018 is up and running at A87910176 . Read and admire our photos, which include an alien in broad daylight, evidence of allergy season, a car belonging to Beetlejuice, a Smurf, and, of course, felines.

smiley - magic The h2g2 Post is up! Come enjoy it! smiley - magic
smiley - magic Do you know what therocephalians are? Let Willem tell you about these mammal ancestors! He has a portrait gallery.
smiley - magic We know this will surprise you, but we have Cats.
smiley - magic Galaxy Babe has a beautiful tribute to loved ones. Please read.
smiley - magic Awix reviews another horror movie. Hilariously.
smiley - magic We have TWO short stories. One contains zombies, one doesn't. Both are science fiction. (Hint: If you read mine in Pliny, you will be less confused.)
smiley - magic As usual, we also have quizzes, jokes, cartoons, amazingly funny photos, rants, and useless advice. Get into it! smiley - magic

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 88

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - cracker The 2 July 2018 issue of the h2g2 Post is up at A87910185 and it's a firecracker! Share and enjoy! smiley - cracker
smiley - cracker Admire the Orange River Partridge, aka the Chicken of the Kalahari!
smiley - cracker Let the cartoonists know you got the jokes.
smiley - cracker Caption the shy moth. (Moths are cute, too!)
smiley - cracker See cats. Go 'Awww'. Rinse, repeat.
smiley - cracker Cheer the snarky reviewer.
smiley - cracker Test your knowledge.
smiley - cracker Be astounded by SashaQ's art.
smiley - cracker Thrill to fiction by Paigetheoracle and Freewayriding. (You are spared the Editor's snark this week. I tormented you enough *last* week.)
smiley - cracker Enjoy Create contributions: a story by Minorvogonpoet and a poem by moi. (I didn't say you'd be let off *completely*.) Try your hand at the new challenge, we dare you.
smiley - cracker Cheer the winners of the Suzie Q Ferguson Awards for Terrible Tour-Guiding! You will be amazed at their ability to convey next to no information at all about the sights!
smiley - cracker That's the madness - for *this* week! Have a happy Dominion Day/Fourth of July/Unscheduled UK Heatwave/Freedom from Holi-Day!smiley - cracker

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 89

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

The h2g2 Post, 8.7.18 at A87910194 :
smiley - biggrin The h2g2 Post is up and running, and full of laughs and things to ooh and aah at! smiley - biggrin
smiley - biggrin Enjoy the wildlife, from ancient pantodonts to the buzzards in SashaQ's backyard.
smiley - biggrin Laugh at the jokes! There's even a comedy short.
smiley - biggrin Three quizzes this week! No waiting.
smiley - biggrin More fiction! FWR takes you on an extraterrestrial field trip, the Prof sings in the shower, and Paige...does whatever Paige does.
smiley - biggrin We have *two* movie reviews, a technical article about a h2g2 inventor's invention, the usual useless advice, and an intriguing photo to caption.
smiley - biggrin Come read, enjoy, leave comments! Next week will be just as jam-packed. Not everyone is too busy watching footie...smiley - biggrin

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 90

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - footballsmiley - footballThe h2g2 Post is up at A87910202! Go read it! smiley - footballsmiley - football
smiley - footballsmiley - footballWildlife pictures are amazing! We've got birds, insects, toads, you name it.
smiley - footballsmiley - footballPaigetheoracle will show you his invention of interest to dog owners.
smiley - footballsmiley - footballYes, we have cats.
smiley - footballsmiley - footballThere are quizzes.
smiley - footballsmiley - footballThe Suzie Q Ferguson Award this week goes to Superfrenchie, who activates the windmills of your mind.
smiley - footballsmiley - footballThere is humour.
smiley - footballsmiley - footballThe Editor knows history, Prof Animal Chaos knows geography, and we all know the sun is cool. Watch the video.
smiley - footballsmiley - footballOkay, whenever the footie is over, we expect you to read this and leave comments. smiley - footballsmiley - football

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 91

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - islandsmiley - island The h2g2 Post is up at A87910211 for your perusal. smiley - islandsmiley - island
smiley - islandsmiley - island What is a Burnetiamorph when it's at home, and when was it at home? Find out from Willem.
smiley - islandsmiley - island Read Prof Animal Chaos' heartwarming rabbit tale.
smiley - islandsmiley - island More clickbait from Paigetheoracle, who ventures into Suzie Q Ferguson territory.
smiley - islandsmiley - island Live action movie 'Paws of Fury'!
smiley - islandsmiley - island SashaQ's new fashion show!
smiley - islandsmiley - island Photo essay surprises by Freewayriding, bobstafford, and MVP!
smiley - islandsmiley - island Fiction, poetry, essays, humour!
smiley - islandsmiley - island All the usual features you've come to know and love.
smiley - islandsmiley - island This is a record-setting issue: more content than ever before! So get busy! smiley - islandsmiley - island

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 92

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - monstersmiley - monsterThe h2g2 Post is up at A87910220 ! Enjoy another super-bumper issue, plus Suzie Q Ferguson takes on the eclipse! smiley - monstersmiley - monster
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterLet Willem tell you why the African Pygmy Falcon is a mixed blessing as a neighbour.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterBluebottle demonstrates that the Isle of Wight *cares* about its jellyfish wildlife.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterBluebottle also shares his scary art experience. You'll commiserate with him over the Turnip Foetus.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterSashaQ admires the productivity of British quail.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterAwix attends the 'Mamma Mia' sequel with a bevy of international women. You will want to read this.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterFreewayriding explains The Law in action, and why it has some people reaching for the bottle.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterSpeaking of sequels, watch 'Paws of Fury II: Molly Strikes Back'.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterMore videos! Watch SashaQ's 'Hedgehog Fun', and TJ's literary video. We believe this is the first time a cat has reviewed a poem on the internet, but we can't swear to it.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterRead Willem's thoughtful essay about Independence and Belonging. It won't hurt you to think.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterEndure Part II of 'The Lost Duchess'. Will any part of the Duchess arrive in the morning mail from the evil kidnappers?
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterDelight in this week's Suzie Q Ferguson Awardwinner: 'A Night in Shanghai' by Milla.
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterThere is a new Create Challenge. Take the challenge!
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterThere are quizzes. There is an onslaught of humour the like of which you have never experienced. You will read it, and you will like it!
smiley - monstersmiley - monsterMore horrors next week! (bell) (bell)

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 93

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - earthsmiley - earth The h2g2 Post is up at A87910239 - go and read it! smiley - earthsmiley - earth
smiley - earthsmiley - earth Willem's been on another expedition: share vicariously in his travels!
smiley - earthsmiley - earth We have flowers, wildlife, nature!
smiley - earthsmiley - earth Three quizzes, no waiting!
smiley - earthsmiley - earth Amazing videos!
smiley - earthsmiley - earth Astounding stories!
smiley - earthsmiley - earth Oddities from around the planet!
smiley - earthsmiley - earth lols!
smiley - earthsmiley - earth Read, comment, go out and take more photos! smiley - earthsmiley - earth

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 94

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinThe h2g2 Post is up at A87914280. Go and read it! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinWillem tells you all about Biarmosuchians, another extinct group you never heard of. Fabulous recreations, as usual!
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinSashaQ tells a story about a strong man, and shows you a sunset.
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinWe have Cats. 'Nuff said. FWR's has been hunting.
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinThe less you want to SEE that movie with Jason Statham wrestling a giant shark, the more you'll want to read Awix's review of it.
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinQuizzes are funny, humour is thought-provoking, advice is useless.
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinGood fiction. (I didn't write it, so it will not give you headaches..)
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinFun anecdotes - FWR's is great, and even mine's chuckleworthy.
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinCome caption the kitteh, comment on Milla's household find, help the Editor identify the fungus....lots to do here! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 95

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - corncob The h2g2 Post is up at A87914299. The Post Editor is at the church picnic. Get busy and read, while I listen to the sermon and eat chicken! smiley - corncob
smiley - corncob Awix reviews an interesting Polish film.
smiley - corncob Willem has a wild cat, and SashaQ has a stuffed bunny.
smiley - corncob FWR: Nature microtourist.
smiley - corncob Milla: Appreciator of seasons.
smiley - corncob Three quizzes, no waiting.
smiley - corncob Stories, poems, discussions, rants.
smiley - corncob The sublime, the ridiculous, the inspiring, the insane.
smiley - corncob A bird video. With melodica.
smiley - corncob Read, enjoy, send more Stuff! Next week, even more weirdness! smiley - corncob

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 96

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - frogsmiley - frog The h2g2 Post is up at A87914307, sorry for lateness with the early edition! (bell) (bell)
smiley - frogsmiley - frog What's a dinocephalian when it's at home, and when was it at home? Find out!
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Tavaron has a praying mantis, and Freewayriding has scary spiders. Admire!
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Robbie has a skeleton. In a cave.
smiley - frogsmiley - frog New quizzes! New video! Insightful cinema review!
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Excitement! Adventure! Really wild things!
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Read the first installment of Freewayriding's new serial!
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Admire SashaQ's new art project.
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Let Suzie Q Ferguson answer the burning question, 'What is the half-life of Marie Curie?'
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Humour! (In the most unexpected places.)
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Amazing photography!
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Melodica!
smiley - frogsmiley - frog Share and enjoy! More weirdness next week! (bell) (bell)

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 97

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

*Correction: (bell)(bell) should read:

smiley - frogsmiley - frog


Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 98

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

*Tries to figure out how smiley - frog and (bell) are even typos for each othersmiley - huh*

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 99

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Bell frog (Litoria aurea) maybe?

smiley - pirate

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 100

Baron Grim

Ask not for whom the smiley - frog ribbits, it ribbits for thee.

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