A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 401

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - sheepsmiley - batsmiley - titsmiley - book The h2g2 Post is up at A88052736

Floods, fireworks, tourism. Birds and beasts. Humour, fiction, videos. Lots to see and read about in this week's issue of the h2g2 Post.

A88056192 Flooding!
A88056011 Alien Values (Fiction)
A88056237 A Bob of Seals
A88056183 Sant Jaume de Alcudia
A88056228 Starling Action

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 402

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - artistsmiley - booksmiley - fishsmiley - titsmiley - bussmiley - dolphinThe h2g2 Post is up at A88055878

We've been everywhere and seen, oh, so many things. Bluebottle saw a Spanish galleon. FWR looked at ruins. Tavaron finds beauty at home. Paigetheoracle shows us Auldie Burn. Superfrenchie presents seashells. Books get finished, jokes are told. Join us for things you have never seen before, like South African dinosaurs.

A88056417 Jurassic South Africa
A88056390 Galeon Andalucia
A88056363 Lives of the Gheorghenis: Reasons to Stay
A88056525 What the Oystercatchers Did
A88056516 London Rainbow(s)

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 403

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - dolphinsmiley - titsmiley - islandsmiley - devilThe h2g2 Post is up at A88055887

This week, we visit foreign places, old and new. See the splendours. Read the fiction. Gawk at the pictures, laugh politely at the jokes. And buy our books!

A88056930 Join the BBQ: AI Challenge
A88056651 24LAS: The Laughing Prisoner
A88056705 Hello, Darkness, My Old Fiend!
A88056714 Deep Thought: Wake-Up Call
A88056688 Robyn Hoodie: Fun Guy or Fungi?

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