A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 221

Baron Grim

smiley - offtopic I clicked the merch link and have a question. Why is the discount code "FIFTEENYEARS"? The site is 21 years old and it surely hasn't been 15 years since we were dumped by Auntie Beeb. Curious.
Maybe it's a sitewide code for Zazzle. Is Zazzle 15 years old?

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 222

Baron Grim

Disregard above question. I just confirmed it's Zazzle that's 15 years old.
smiley - offtopic

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 223

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

yes, Zazzle is fifteen years old


Plus, they're now offering a 15% discount.

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 224

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That's good to know - thanks! Y'all get your merch while the discount's in effect.

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 225

Baron Grim

I ordered a dolphin towel. smiley - divasmiley - towelsmiley - diva

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 226

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - cool

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 227

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Dolphins need smiley - towelsmiley - towel now? smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 228

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I imagine that they always have!

they stay wet much of the time.

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 229

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I imagine they get very cold when they are leaving smiley - earth without drying off first

smiley - pirate

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 230

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - aliensmilesmiley - aliensmileThe h2g2 Post is up at A87989107 - come and enjoy it.
smiley - aliensmilesmiley - aliensmileLearn about the slender mongoose, how to plant the Three Sisters, and how to do a writing trick. Learn relativity from a squirrel. Inquiring minds want to know.
smiley - aliensmilesmiley - aliensmileComment on the kayak in the tree, the picturesque oil rig, and unusual nature sightings.
smiley - aliensmilesmiley - aliensmileAsk about Scottish pillboxes, mysterious insects, and wondrous public art.
smiley - aliensmilesmiley - aliensmileMarvel at the beauties and quirks of nature.
smiley - aliensmilesmiley - aliensmileLaugh at the jokes.
smiley - aliensmilesmiley - aliensmileCatch up with the ongoing stories.

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 231

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rocketsmiley - tekcorThe h2g2 Post is up at A87989116 - lots to enjoy this week!
smiley - rocketsmiley - tekcorThe photography will blow you away. Willem went on a trip to Venda, and you won't believe what he saw!
smiley - rocketsmiley - tekcorMore bugs, flowers - some you need to help us identify.
smiley - rocketsmiley - tekcorCreative stuff to make you laugh and think.
smiley - rocketsmiley - tekcorFunnies of all kinds, from cartoons to found humour.
smiley - rocketsmiley - tekcorThings to enjoy in isolation, from food to gardens to your home screen.

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 232

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflyThe h2g2 Post is up at A87989125 - come take a look at the gala 'slugs'n'bugs' issue!
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflySlugs! (And snails, and a puppy-dog tail.)
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflyBugs! (One is in a fighting mood.)
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflyFiction (big finish!).
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflyHumour, puzzles, video wonders, more!
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflyA farewell, of sorts.
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflyNature in all its attitudes.
smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflyRemember to send Stuff, and have a great week!

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 233

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - dragonsmiley - dragon The h2g2 Post is up at A87989134
smiley - dragonsmiley - dragon Land, sea, and sky are all featured in the photography. (Also bugs.)
smiley - dragonsmiley - dragon See the bird video and be amazed.
smiley - dragonsmiley - dragon Be even more amazed by the zombie writing advice. (Thank FWR.)
smiley - dragonsmiley - dragon Read a movie review and some Deep Thoughts.
smiley - dragonsmiley - dragon Get a laugh or three.
smiley - dragonsmiley - dragon Listen to some music.

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 234

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - booksmiley - artistsmiley - antsmiley - bluebutterflyThe h2g2 Post is up at A87989143 - lots to see here.
smiley - booksmiley - artistsmiley - antsmiley - bluebutterflyThere have been sightings around the globe: some natural, some unnatural, some verging on the paranormal. We have pics, so they happened.
smiley - booksmiley - artistsmiley - antsmiley - bluebutterflyAs usual, there are natural mysteries to solve: name the bug. Name the roadkill? Ah, well...
smiley - booksmiley - artistsmiley - antsmiley - bluebutterflyHumour, video fun, and ongoing stories!
smiley - booksmiley - artistsmiley - antsmiley - bluebutterflyAwix reviews a classic big-screen favourite.
smiley - booksmiley - artistsmiley - antsmiley - bluebutterflyWe have actual Stuff to Read. (Please do not leave comments unless you have committed the whole way and Read.)

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 235

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote The h2g2 Post is up at A87989152 - excitement, adventure, and really wild music!
smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote Be sure to enjoy the rip-roarin' bluegrass song FWR and the Post Editor wrote. It's about our favourite subject.
smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote Speaking of cats, we don't have any. But we've got dogs, birds, snails, badgers, and fish. Don't miss the photography.
smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote A poem, an essay, and a somewhat puzzling movie review.
smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote The usual humour and comics...er, we mean 'graphic novels'.
smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote More bird videos! See the anhinga update!
smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote All this, and a new Create challenge. Come see!

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 236

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rocketsmiley - rocketThe h2g2 Post is up at A87989161 - come and enjoy.
smiley - rocketsmiley - rocketVideo surprises, a new short story to delight, and photography to thrill and amuse.
smiley - rocketsmiley - rocketHumour, ongoing graphic stories, puzzles for you.
smiley - rocketsmiley - rocketLots of things to learn and discuss!

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 237

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - badgersmiley - badger The h2g2 Post is up at A87989170 - with a warning: some images may be disturbing. Watch at your own risk.
smiley - badgersmiley - badger Reports of human and animal behaviour.
smiley - badgersmiley - badger Video fun!
smiley - badgersmiley - badger How-to articles: home veterinary procedures and a crochet project.
smiley - badgersmiley - badger Another herpitology adventure! (With slideshow!)
smiley - badgersmiley - badger Humans yelling at animals. Animals scaring humans. A raucous zen encounter. You won't want to miss this issue!

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 238

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - badgersmiley - badger The h2g2 Post is up at A87996938, and as usual, it's full of good Stuff.
smiley - badgersmiley - badger Agriculture explained. (By Freewayriding.)
smiley - badgersmiley - badger A variety of creatures from around the world. (By the photographers who discovered them.)
smiley - badgersmiley - badger Sundry wise observations, plus a posthumous poem by an American president.
smiley - badgersmiley - badger Plus: wit! humour! ongoing stories! signs! (And a training montage.)
smiley - badgersmiley - badger Don't miss this issue!

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 239

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - birosmiley - titsmiley - musicalnote The h2g2 Post is up at A87996947 - and, boy, have we got Stuff for you!
smiley - birosmiley - titsmiley - musicalnote Wildlife and nature photos!
smiley - birosmiley - titsmiley - musicalnote A new serial beginning this week, called 'Into You', by B4!
smiley - birosmiley - titsmiley - musicalnote Songwriters at work: hear them here first!
smiley - birosmiley - titsmiley - musicalnote Plus humour! Quizzes! Signs and wonders! A small-screen movie review!
smiley - birosmiley - titsmiley - musicalnote What more can you ask for?

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 240

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishThe h2g2 Post is up at A87996956, with wonders to behold.
smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishOkay: first, about the videos. One features live badger action from Websailor's garden! The next has live action from inside the Post Office, as Molly and TJ take on the new cat toy. It's a fish, it flops convincingly. That is the most realistic fish I've ever seen. The third requires an excuse - er, explanation. FWR is anti-cabbage white butterfly, because their caterpillars ate his cauliflower. His hating on them inspired my epic polka, 'Stay Out of My Halupke, Cabbage White', which you can hear here. With butterflies dancing. You don't get this kind of entertainment anywhere else on the web, you know that, right?
smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishRobbie Stamp raises the tone of the issue considerably with his high-class haiku and swallow art photo. Appreciate, you philistines.
smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishThere are funny signs.
smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishThere is beaucoups animal action.
smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishThere are tomatoes. Tomatoes will continue to be featured whenever photographed. We are connoisseurs of tomato photography.
smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishThere is humour, cinema, snark, and Deep Stuff.
smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishThere's a preview of the November Post writing project called 'Holes in History'. See if you're inspired to join in. This is the chance to write that novella you've been contemplating all year. The project is historical this time.
smiley - batsmiley - badgersmiley - fishEnjoy!

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