The h2g2 Post: 27.07.20

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 27th July 2020

Stop, Look, Listen

Sunrise on the Wirral by Freewayriding
Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings,

And Phoebus 'gins arise…

– Shakespeare

Keeping out of each other's way – which we're doing a lot of these days – gives us more time to think, have you noticed? It gives us a chance to practise noticing a lot of things. We can work on our mindfulness, the kind of noticing that quiets the soul. Letting the desires, worries, ephemeral concerns and undue distractions go is good for us. It might even be good for the whole planet. Have you ever just sat and watched a sunrise or sunset?

Our contributors are good at noticing things, be it bugs on flowers, pleasingly colourful metereological events, or odd statues. They're sharing their findings this week. We invite you along on our journey of discovery. Here are some of the things you can enjoy:

Brush with the Future by Caiman Raptor Elk
  • Public art in all its dubious glory. Minorvogonpoet and Awix have the UK covered. Caiman Raptor Elk has made a local tour of his hometown of 's-Hertogenbosch and found wonders to confound Hieronymus. Phred Firecloud proudly stands by the renowned Nicola Tesla, who has more than a car named after him.
  • Willem has a mongoose, while Tavaron and Superfrenchie have found garden wonders. Can you help us name the mystery bug of the week?
  • Speaking of mysteries, Paigetheoracle has been out and about, and stumbled across a pillbox, an oil rig, and yet another thing that doesn't belong in a tree. What is it with Scotland, anyway? He needs help with the caption for that one.
  • Of course there's cinema to talk about, and a picture quiz, and writing matters to discuss. There's humour and ongoing fiction. Paige has a short-short story you may find intriguing. Cartoons and comics, oh my. Oh, and a video, in which Fred the Squirrel explains Einstein's relativity. As squirrels do.
  • A new Create Challenge starts in August. Nature's getting quite a break from us noisy humans, at least in some places. What are you noticing? Any rare sightings? Interesting observations? We want to hear from you.

So get to clicking, and enjoy the views. Leave some nice, relevant comments. Remember to take your cameras with you wherever you go, and send us more Stuff. Have a good week!

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Quote of the Week:   We regret to inform you that we cannot use the submitted material. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider it.

– The Editors of the New Yorker.

(printed on high-quality card stock and preserved by the recipient, who posted same on the internet for all to enjoy.)

Create July 2020 by Freewayriding
August Create Challenge:
Nature Gets a Break

And Now, a Shameless Plug
Post logo t-shirt
T-shirts! Buttons! Tote Bags!
No, we don't get all the money. We get about 5 bucks/euros for each t-shirt. But you're supporting the cause and getting wearable bragging rights. You'll be the envy of every hitchhiker from here to the Crab Nebula. Designed by Tavaron da Quirm.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Slender Mongoose

Slender Mongoose by Willem




Cat Exploring the Woods by Kitkat


Colony X
Exploding Head by DG
  • Video
  • Relativity is squirrelly.


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