A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 421

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - titsmiley - herosmiley - booksmiley - cakesmiley - island The h2g2 Post is up at A88059766

Up, down, and all around we go, from frozen meres and rivers to sunny islands. We explore the grandeur that is Rome, with the help of our seagull tour guide, and admire the sun as it rises and sets over scenes of history and beauty. All that, plus features and a poetry duel.

A88062320 Colours of Wildlife: Deinocheirus
A88062375 XLII
A88062384 GF Scratch Cake (Recipe)
A88062401 Marvin's Poetry Corner: Eternity in a Box
A88062483 Angels Unawares

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 422

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snowballsmiley - booksmiley - titThe h2g2 Post is up at A88059775
It's Days of Miracles and Wonders as the weather makes art, Awix looks at architecture, and birds act as tour guides. Admire the views, enjoy the stories, laugh at the jokes.

A88062807 Clever Gulls
A88062582 24 Lies a Second: The Best Gimmick
A88062690 Deep Thought: PK Dick, Thou Should'st Be Living at This Hour
A88062753 Frost Paintings
A88062654 Cloak and Dagger

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 423

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snowballsmiley - titsmiley - snowballsmiley - titsmiley - snowballsmiley - tit The h2g2 Post is up at A88059784

Snow! Also Rome, birds, other wildlife, fiction, humour, and features. Two guys from different hemispheres argue about constellations, while a dogwalker in Scotland manages not to blow himself up. It's the high standard of online journalism you've come to expect from the h2g2 Post.

A88063257 Return of the Leucistic Oystercatcher
A88063022 Deep Thought: When Rabbits Attack
A88063220 It's an Ancient Sign: Julius Caesar Was Worshipped Here
A88063013 Bluebottle's Doodles: A Pun-Filled Episode
A88062997 24 Lies a Second: Midwinter Cinema

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 424

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - titsmiley - titsmiley - titsmiley - titThe h2g2 Post is up at A88062889smiley - titsmiley - titsmiley - titsmiley - tit

Birds feature heavily in this issue, also snark. In between the birds are snark there are features, a quiz, humour (not all of it snarky), and poetry. Some of the poetry is also snarky.

A88063400 As the Stone Turns (Video)
A88063365 Male Replacement Bus Service
A88063437 Classic Comics: OU Absentmind
A88063446 Pages from a Bestiary (Paulh)
A88063455 Elegy to Cindy Caterpillar (DG)

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 425

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - titsmiley - titsmiley - titsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - evilgrinThe h2g2 Post is up at A88062898

Philosophy, snark, satire, imagination, surreal reality, and. . . birds. Join us for a wild ride.

A88063699 Colours of Wildlife: Bospatryse
A88063707 Deep Thought: Is the Plot Unravelling?
A88063752 Every Cake You Bake (Poem)
A88063761 Renovations (Poem)
A88063833 The New Bench at Kildary Loch

Announcement 2018-02-06: The Post

Post 426

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - titsmiley - booksmiley - snowballsmiley - titsmiley - booksmiley - snowballsmiley - jesterThe h2g2 Post is up at A88062898

More birds. More humour. New fiction, old fiction. More of everything. It's a feast of weird fun.

A88064076 Fanfic Theatre: The Prisoner Update
A88064265 There's a Dam, Somewhere
A88064085 Deep Thought: The Messages
A88064058 Fantasy Classic: The Crock of Gold
A88063987 24 Lies a Second: Renowned Near-Mystical Semi-Improvisatory Method in the Madness

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