h2g2 Post 02.12.04

3 Conversations

Birthday banner by Jimster

Posted: 2nd December 2004


(Almost) Five and still going!

This time five years ago I was still an instrumental teacher, comparatively new to computers and the internet and living in England. I hadn't really written much since my schooldays - apart from reports, the occasional note to the milkman and a 10,000 word dissertation which we won't go into. Yet there I was, sitting behind a screen, busily checking grammar, spelling and punctuation. My GuideML was rudimentary, but that wasn't a problem as we were going to host this newspaper offsite and Pastey put in all the html coding. We had eager volunteers lined up; an artist to design some graphics, a cartoonist who said he'd have a go at a few pieces topical to h2g2, writers and editors. Would it all come together? Would we ever take that final step and actually publish? The answer, of course, was yes.

So here we are five years on. In that time we have moved offsite to onsite, lost everything in Rupert and put it all back again and created an estimated 5,775 pages to host our articles and archives. We played with first one, then two and now four different skins, worked under an ever expanding, then decreasing, italic crew and adapted to different rules and coding. We mourned for DNA and The Twin Towers, played pranks on April Fool's Day and enjoyed Meeting you all. We've featured upwards of 450 cartoons, boggled your brains with quizzes and competitions (many contrived by the devious brain of Greebo T Cat) and travelled the world with you. We've hosted book, film, dvd, tv and comic reviews and featured plenty of home-grown fiction and poetry. Yet, we think, we have remained sporting throughout and none of it would have been possible without our regular and previous contributors.

So a big thank you to everyone who has ever contributed to our Post and thank you, our readers. Without you - and the feedback you provide - we'd have probably packed away our quills long ago.
smiley - bubbly Champagne or smiley - cake anyone?

PS: There's still plenty of time to take part in the Poetry Competition. We have some wonderful entries but would still welcome more.

ShazzPRME - RIP Prince Bernhard


  • 45 Words

  • The Post - First Published 6 December

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