The h2g2 Post 18.05.06

4 Conversations

Posted: 18th May 2006



Summer Already?

It's amazing, but it seems that once exams have happened, summer is already determined to rear its head, despite the fact that I have around five weeks until school is out1. The nationwide AP (Advanced Placement) and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) exams, which American students take for course credit and university entrance purposes, have taken place over the last couple of weeks, and statewide STAR tests2 are this week (why they persist in these acronyms I've absolutely no idea). But soon it will all be over and we can enjoy a last month of doing very little before summer in all its glory sets in and we begin doing very little in earnest.

This editorial would not be complete without a (somewhat belated) Mother's Day wish. I of course have an incredible debt to my mother, not least for giving birth to me in the first place! Thank you to all mothers who have loved and cared for their children — a sentiment we should be expressing whatever the time of year.

Even as I celebrated at the approach of summer, the sun has gone in and it looks like it's about to rain, even here in sunny San Diego. Given this climatic situation, what more could you want than to curl up with your computer?

Enjoy this week's edition of The Post.






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1Of course, in the UK, the dreaded GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and A (Advanced) levels run right through to mid-June and school until mid-July... — shazz2I have no idea what that acronym stands for.

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