A Stargate Quiz - Season 7
Created | Updated May 18, 2006
Season 7
How well do you know the tv series Stargate? Answers will be revealed in the next issue.
Q What is the meaning of the name given to Daniel by the
inhabitants of Vis Uban?Q Which System Lord comes to Kelowna's rescue?
Q What is the name of the Asgard Scientist who makes Jack 15 again?
Q What is the name of the leader of the female Jaffa Colony and what race was Jolene Blalock before she became Jaffa?
Q What is the name of the llittle girl 'stuck' aboard the
Prometheus with Sam?Q Who set Sam and Pete Shanahan up on their blind date?
Q Which member of the SGC does Simon Wells name his baby after?
Q Who takes over the SGC from General Hammond?
Q Where is the Ancient weapon finally found?
Q SG-1 finally discover the name of the Ancient's Lost City. What is it?
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