h2g2 Post 24.07.03

4 Conversations

Posted: 24thJuly 2003


This is getting beyond a joke!

It must be a British disease - complaining about the weather. I seem to remember grumbling when it was consistently below freezing here and I had to bike to college with icicles dripping from my nose and gloves. Now I am finding this heat worse than that. My part of Holland has
managed to muster maybe one hour of rain in the last three weeks and that was spectacular - accompanied by thrilling displays of lightening and rolling thunder - but the average daytime temperature has hardly dipped below 29° C and the nights are not much cooler.

It got so bad one night that we left our bedroom window open a little wider than normal and awoke to find that our little Katie had decided to jump out. I was beginning to give up hope of ever seeing her again. She was missing for four days until, last Thursday I heard a pitiful meow at the backdoor and there she sat, thin, grubby-white and
obviously starving. There was much rejoicing, although her brother Quark's happiness was short-lived as they were soon back to squabbling. Unfortunately, despite all good intentions, we haven't had her 'helped' yet, so we could be in for some new additions to the family towards the end of the summer!

Discounting the Post Links Pages, we appear to have 42 separate items for you in this edition. Nearly all your regulars, some great features and two new fiction series are amongst the goodies, so grab some smiley - tea or smiley - coffee and settle down for a cracking read.

Finally, please join in the fun of the Summer 2003 Caption Competition. Every week for a few weeks you are being given the opportunity to submit funny captions to pictures taken at the recent h2g2 Official Meet - and win some wonderful prizes!

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