My Life as a Boozy Oaf

2 Conversations

Excrutiatingly Bad Filk

Mullet on Fire (to be sung to the tune of Mull of Kintyre, although probably not a professionally played tune, that will just show up my bad scanning)

Mullet on Fire, oh one thing I dream of.

The hair do of ire, oh why did you get one?

Oh, Mullet on Fire.

Quietly one morning, I rose from my bed.

Had a nice cuppa, and even some bread.

Then you came over, I saw what you'd done.

And my hands grabbed the matches, Oh Mullet on Fire.

Mullet on Fire, oh one thing I dream of.

The hairdo of ire, oh why did you get one?

Oh, Mullet on Fire.

Why did you do it, I liked the old look.

Afro or Bowl cut or Beehive or Crew.

Any old hairdo, I'd greet with a smile,

'Cepting only this one, oh Mullet on Fire.

Mullet on Fire, oh one thing I dream of.

The hairdo of ire, oh why did you get one?

Oh, Mullet on Fire.

You screamed as I lit it, went up with a whoosh.

You grabbed a pan, swung it, fell on my touche.

The flickering embers died as they removed me,

But still I can dream of the Mullet on Fire.

Mullet on fire, I didn't want to do it.

Your lank, dirty hair, it made me detest it.

Oh, Mullet on Fire.

Mullet on Fire, I can still smell the smoke from,

The hairdo of fire, now just a big slaphead.

Oh, Mullet on Fire.

My Life as a Boozy Oaf



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