A Conversation for Red Dwarf

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3061

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

So! The plan is still send Thamian to certain death while I finish filing my complaints *gets up and hobbles over to ACE with a file titled "Complaints Against Thanaris Thamian Meridian"*

Did you know he shot me in the leg too? and continuously threatens me and holds his pistol to my head? *points to sections in the file*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3062

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Yup, that's the plan.
*inspects the complaint form with growing shock for every point*

Wait a minute. Cadet, did Thamian REALLY make you clean the outter hull in a space suit while you were on fire inside of it?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3063


*leaves room then comes back in with a different suit*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3064

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Great contribution there old buddy, the room was really starting to feel like last week's collection. And may I say, a smashing outfit! Bravo! smiley - ok

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3065

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

*nods gravely at ACE* And look! I still have a limp from where he shot me! And I have been offered no medical help! .....Admittedly in light of our doc that may be a blessing, but its the principal of the thing

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3066

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

< smiley - yawn >

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3067

Existential Elevator

Right. So...

...what you're saying is, we hand Tham over, and we're out of trouble?

Why are we waiting?!

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3068

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

*sits up*

thats what I said! I think we should have a vote, a show of hands, who thinks we should hand over Tham?

*raises hand*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3069

Existential Elevator

*transforms into an octopus and raises 8 hands*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3070

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*raises hand*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3071


*hides behind ACE and raises his hand*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3072

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

*looks around* I'd say 11 votes is a fairly strong case people

So...... decision carried? Bye bye Tham? Oh happy day! ......... Because we're all going to be saved ofcourse, nothing to do with my inbuilt hatered of him after he shot me, no no NO

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3073

Existential Elevator

Of course not smiley - whistle...

I'll grab his ankles, you take his wrists?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3074


*raises hand*

Sorry bud, just had to show my cuffs matched my lining.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3075

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

*dives for thams wrists, misses and crashes into the control station behind making it beep in a frenzy*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3076

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*shuts off the control station and hands spacecadet some bandaid*
Here ya go old chum. Now I suggest we all jump on three, alrighty


The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3077

Existential Elevator


The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3078


Three! *jumps*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3079

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*jumps as well*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 3080

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


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