Ace Rimmer

Don't panic, Captain Arnold Judas Rimmer is here.
Allow me to introduce myself, I am AJ Rimmer (BSC SSC), Technician 2nd class onboard the JMC mining ship
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Infinite improbability drive
About me
Male, 19 from Sweden. Cynical, narcassistic, neurotic, compulsive and completely mental at times! Yet I'm perfectly convinced everyone around me are totally insane.
I arrived at this conclusion only a mere few moments after being born, and have yet to be proven otherwise. But don't worry, I've grown to like crazy people!

As for my interests, I like to watch TV, play computer games, read, write, anything that can involve me in a different kind of universe, and writing is something I try time and time again at, to disastrous results. Additionally; Everything after this sentence may or may not be horribly out-dated and/or pure lies.
Me on h2g2
Obviously, me on h2g2 is completely different from me in real life. Here I may appear nerdy, insecure and uninteresting.
Nothing could be further from the truth. But I've tried to leave my mark on a few little things here and there on h2g2.
You'll notice alot of them have died since I joined. Weird how things work out huh?
I have a pitch at the far corner of The campsite
Join the

I am also the highest ranking crewmember onboard Red Dwarf which I founded together with Existential Elevator.
Join Red Dwarf and see space!
I am deputy, vice-minion maitenance repairman of thingite stuff

UnOfficial h2g2 Lurker |
Day of days by me and Tosh!
The Simpsons world

The Terranic army.
Regiment Gazpacho.
Finally, I've reached the position of power I deserve! And I didn't need to take an exam!
My Mates
Sgt. Mushroom
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Smiley'sWrite something here and make AJ happy...

Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Guru-age | Aug 17, 2011 |
Guestbook | May 20, 2011 |
Hello "Ace Rimmer" | Jun 7, 2007 |
Come back Rimmer! | May 25, 2007 |
Rimmer how would you like to be my running mate for the elec | Feb 4, 2006 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
IMSIHAC word disasocciation game | Oct 24, 2011 | Aug 12, 2020 |
Red Dwarf Quiz | Apr 10, 2003 | Apr 24, 2020 |
The Great Outdoor Bar | Jun 14, 2007 | Jun 29, 2019 |
How often does this happen? | No Posting | Feb 4, 2019 |
The Bar | No Posting | May 3, 2014 |
Most Recent Edited Entries
- D-Day
- The Swedish Governmental System
- The Hush-house, Bromma Airport, Sweden
- Kalmar Castle, Kalmar, Sweden
- The Catalina Affair
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