Perfectly "Normal" Party - Campaign Headquaters

5 Conversations

Stark raving mad this lot are...honestly I don't why you're here. Oh you don't care? Oh well go on, come on in... but don't say I didn't warn you...Ballot box.

Our Manifesto

A word from our glorious leader

"We are the Perfectly Normal Party. There is nothing to be concerned about with our party, and is completely normal. Honestly. Look please believe us, we're normal. Oh go on... well please yourself then.

We are campaigning for a happier healthier h2g2. Our leader Terran as well as his running mate Rimmer don't see themselves as people who have "policies" or "objectives", in the traditional sense. These merely get in the way of running h2g2, which is of course ran by someone who doesn't know he runs it, and only a handful of people know who this person is... so we plan to keep him safe while Terran distract you all. Clever isn't it?

So to avoid getting someone who actually wants to lead in power, we thought we'd ask you to vote for us... just to make sure things are safe. And to protect SEP's (Someone Else's Problems), from becoming your problem..."

If you can't be smiley - to vote in the Election, Vote for Apathy, Vote for Terran. Apathy You Know It Makes Sense

Accomodating all kinds of "Normal"

- Perfectly "normal" Thingites are part of our drive for success.

- Perfectly "normal" Terranic Army members are our life blood

- Perfectly "normal" lurkers are our specialty

- Perfectly "Normal" apathetic individuals who can't be bothered, are vital to our Apathy vote...

- Perfectly "Normal" weirdness... well quite frankly is a must!

The Names You Need To Know

Candidate - Terran

Running Mate - Commander ACE Rimmer

Campaign Manager - Reefgirl

Personal Recruitment and Coordination Manager - Werekitty

Party Secretary and distraction expert - Jade

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