Posted: 29thJanuary 2004
We're Back!! Firstly I must apologise to all our writers and readers for the problems of the past two weeks.
As you know we at The Post would never intentionally leave you in the lurch like that, but 'Real
Life' does occasionally creep up on us all, and it's always full of surprises both good and bad.
Hopefully we are now back on track and with that bright thought we are pleased to bring you this
weeks Post. We have a great edition for you this week, everyone seems to have 'pulled out all the stops' to
bring you a Post that is brimming with goodies and well written articles. Quizzical has come up with a 'must read' for all those with internet access, yes that's you!!! So don't miss Pirates of the
(Cyber)Caribbean, I think we will all learn something useful. You can vote on The
Peta's, read fabulous film and TV reviews, discover space, sports and Africa. We also
have the return of an old favourite CAC in 'The CAC Continuum', which has been postponed for a
couple of weeks due to our absence. And with a host of your usual favourites in fiction, cartoons
and the regulars section plus fun quizzes and competitions, it makes this Post totally unmissable. So don't miss it... Okay!!! Share and Enjoy!
Greebs |
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