QED 14

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Here are some very simple questions for you to ponder over. There are only ten of them, and
we have helpfully even provided the answers. Each question is a description given in dictionary
form about one of the three possible answers, all you have to do is sort out which of the three
possible answers is the correct one.

If you would like to send your answers to us here at smiley - thepost we will give
you a mention in next week's edition. An email address has been handily provided for you below the

Ten Barely Believable 'B' Words

  1. Emit wind noisily from stomach through mouth. Is it?
    A. Barf
    B. Beige
    C. Belch

  2. Game in which numbers are drawn at random and corresponding numbered squares are to be
    marked off. Is it?
    A. Billiards
    B. Bingo
    C. Bowls

  3. Continuation of bodice below waist. Is it?
    A. Basque
    B. Buttock
    C. Basement

  4. Belt of a sword, bugle etc. hung from shoulder to opposite hip. Is it?
    A. Balkan
    B. Baldric
    C. Batiste

  5. Anchored float as navigation mark. Is it?
    A. Bouy
    B. Boy
    C. Buoy

  6. Cold dish made chiefly of meat of pig's head boiled, chopped and pressed into a mould. Is
    A. Bung
    B. Brawn
    C. Broth

  7. Yellow alloy of copper and zinc. Is it?
    A. Brass
    B. Bobbin
    C. Blitz

  8. Method of growing artificially dwarfed plants. Is it?
    A. Bonsai
    B. Bonzai
    C. Borzoi

  9. Hardy variety of cauliflower. Is it?
    A. Brussels Sprouts
    B. Bromine
    C. Broccoli

  10. The B.B.C. [abbr.] Is it?
    A. Boob
    B. Beeb
    C. Bebe

Send your answers to greebotcat@aol.com, please include
your h2g2 researcher name and 'U' number, so credit can be given where it is due.
Correspondence should be with me no later than Tuesday 03rd February


Those that Deserve a Pat on the Back

Thank you for sending your answers, there was a great response, here are those all important
results. Well done to you all.

Gold medal
The Gold Medal Winners are -
HPB - All Ten Questions
Si9mon - All Ten Questions
A. Dr Justin - All Ten
Questions Correct.

The Runner Up is -
Sneaky - 5 Questions Correct.


Ten Beautiful Bond Babes

  1. Dr No
    B. Honey Rider
  2. Goldfinger
    A. Pussy Galore
  3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    B. Tracy
  4. Diamonds Are Forever
    C. Tiffany Case
  5. Live And Let Die
    C. Solitaire
  6. Moonraker
    B. Holly Goodhead
  7. A View To A Kill
    A. May Day
  8. Golden Eye
    B. Xenia Onatopp
  9. Tomorrow Never Dies
    A. Paris Carver
  10. The World is Not Enough
    C. Christmas Jones

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Greebo T. Cat

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