Small Screen Surfin'

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Welcome Surfers, to another SSS.

On Saturday 10th January on BBC TWO, the top fifty 'Best British Sitcoms' were
revealed in a move similar to The Big Read. The top forty were ranked leaving the ten with
the most votes left open to be voted upon again to secure the 'Best British Sitcom' in ten weeks time

after a celebrity justifies why his or her book-- I mean sit-com, should be number one.

Am I the only one that sees this whole thing as a little unfair? As with Big Read's final 21, the nominees can bounce around until the final closing time just like this ten sit-coms. So why couldn't
this be done with all the programmes to give a more accurate result? Hitch-hikers
wasn't even in there. Granted it could be argued against being a sit-com but The League of
was, and that's a character sketch show and Alan Partridge a bit vague with

first appearing on The Day Today- a news satire, Knowing Me, Knowing You with Alan
- a spoof chat show, and I'm Alan Partridge- a sit-com.

A terrible crime being that Red Dwarf came a measly No.18. I could have spend days
clicking for votes for Red Dwarf if:

  1. I knew that the poll was taking place last year instead of being informed two weeks ago.
  2. You could continue voting positions 11-50.

There are more problems when you look at the top hundred best (via BBCi Comedy) and realise
that we don't have a hundred best! We have a select dozen of greats/classics, that's all. It's a
wonder what was out there beyond 100.

Thankfully as the poll was taken last year, The Crouches couldn't possibly be in at all--

Here's the top ten in alphabetical order:

  1. Blackadder
  2. Dad's Army
  3. Fawlty Towers
  4. >
  5. Good Life, The
  6. One Foot in the Grave
  7. Only Fools and Horses
  8. Open All Hours
  9. Porridge
  10. Vicar of Dibley, The
  11. Yes Minister

Hang on, Vicar of Dibley? Surely Father Ted was thought of more? Who took part

in this poll? Open All Hours? Come on! Porridge? Wah?

Okay hands up, who thinks they can guess the winner? Let me try... Only Fools and Horse,
the highest rated British sit-com of all time? Or Fawlty 'Don't mention the war!' Towers the

holder of Best British Sit-com of all time by a different poll?

The problem(?) is that ITV and Channel 4 don't have sit-coms that aren't US imports except
C4's Father Ted and Black Books. The celebrities had better have a convincing
argument for each these, especially Open All Hours in my opinion. But what effect will Phil
Jupitus (fighting for Dad's Army) or Carol 'Countdown' Vorderman have on how people

Personally I want Blackadder to win but that's due to being tired of Fools and
and, as much as I love it, Fawlty Towers' only 12 episodes get done to death on
UK Gold. See what I mean? You aren't necessarily voting for which you think is best. I've
always believed Blackadder and Fawlty Towers are too different to compare. It's a matter of taste.

I mean, Hi-de-hi- a sit-com set in a holiday camp, and 'Allo 'Allo- set in a cafe in
wartime France were nominated! By who?? They certainly don't come anywhere near a 'Best' label
for Sit-coms. Same for Are You Being Served?

Ah well... we'll just have to see...


And now: A Small Screen Supplement...

Friday gone saw the showing of that episode of The Simpsons ('The Regina
Monologues') with Prime Minister Tony Blair guest voicing along with JK Rowling and Sir Gandalf. It wasn't all together that funny. Then again the Simpsons has been waning. 'Judi Dench's Fish and Chips' restaurant was quite funny but the scriptwriters blasphemed: [English woman] '...You did save our bacon during the war.' Nasty!

Keep Surfin'!

Small Screen Surfin'


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