A Conversation for h2g2 Post 29.01.04

hi there im looking for help

Post 1

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi ive written a guide,on a ww2 plane
ew277,it was a liberator-b24.

i asked jim lynn if he could help me get a pic of a b24-liberator for the guide ive done.he put me onto you.

this is the guide A2228813 its one peice away from being finalised.

when ive put it into guideml,it will look more alive,but if i could get a b24,not the b17 thats on the blobs
it would be great,i hope you can help me,i spent over 5 months resaerching the guide.and a pic or photo would do it justice,because im also submitting it to the ww2(but they arnt adding pics at this time,

and when its on h2g2, i will be taking a couple of printoffs for two of the families to put in there family details, ive forwarded to them
the cooney ralation and the charlish family.and the pic would replace the on of the b17 i have on my space
(which will stay there as a permanant
memorial to the ew277 and its crew

yours jim jimcracker7

hi there im looking for help

Post 2

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

sorry the guide is A2228113,THATS THE TROUBLE WITH DIGIBOXES JIM

hi there im looking for help

Post 3

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi just writing a followup, as you havent replied in the last 2 days
jimsmiley - disco

hi there im looking for help

Post 4

Post Team

Hi Jim smiley - smiley
So, you would like to run this as an article in The Post and have a picture of a B24?

It could only be artwork done by the Community Art Team (if we can find someone as they are all really busy) OR, if you know of suitable photograph AND have permission from the photographer to use it, then we could probably get that done instead.

If you prefer artwork, then it may take a few weeks to come through.

Let us know smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

hi there im looking for help

Post 5

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

im not sure how im using the story,

ive spent over 5 months, with help researching the story,

originally,for the ww2 site,and ive written a guide enter on h2g2,so that i can get the library to print off the page,for a least two of the relations from the airmen to see it,

in its completed form,with all the info surounding the fatal night, for the crew of ew277.
and a picture of a b24-liberator,on the top of the guide would show what the plane looked like.
i found pics of b24s on the web, while i was researching,so i could get a printoff of a b24,but i cant get it on the guide,without it being blobbed(unless you can serjest another way)i.e.-something about cut and pasting,im only on a digibox,
but use the pc,half hour at a time, at the library,now and then,
but they are nearly all for reference only.
if you think it would be something the post would like to show.
ide be glad to,but if you have reed
the A2228113.
you will see it still two airmen to be added, when i find more on them.

hi there im looking for help

Post 6

Post Team

Hi again smiley - smiley

Well, we are only allowed to get photographs or artwork blobbed for items which appear in The Post and even then we have to justify it.
So, if you are happy for us to take it and make an article out of it, then we will try our best to sort a picture out.

Unfortunately, we can't use any pictures from the web as they are copyright - but we may have one here as my man used to be an avid plane spotter and has plenty of pictures. smiley - smiley

It may take me some time to find one, but give me a week and I'll see what I can do.

In the meantime, good luck with you research. smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

hi there im looking for help

Post 7

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi shazz
if you have read the the guide,you will have seen its not a whim to add a picture of the b24,

when the guide is finished,i,ll be taking copies off for the cooney and charlish family,to keep in the family records,and also adding it to the ww2

(as far as i can see,none of the ww2
stories have a pic on them,)i dont think that they have progressed that
far yet,

if you fella a the b24 in his pics and you can get me a blob for my guide it would get great,it will replace also the b17 on my page thats
staying as a tribute to the lost crew

theres no rush, im waiting for the sec of the 205 group to get back from holiday,on the 7th,and he will hopefully be able to fill in the gaps.
he runs the groups reunions,jim

hi there im looking for help

Post 8

Post Team

Hi again Jim
I'll do my best - but I am only a researcher the same as you, not paid staff or anything.
I have to ask the h2g2 staff everytime we would like a picture blobbed and it is up to them to allow or refuse.
I would *have* to use your writing as an article as that is the only justification for The Post having anything blobbed.
I do sympathise with your predicament and you have convinced me that a picture would be great, but I have to observe the house rules - hence, if it is a photo, I must know the source and have permission.

Leave it with me - as you say, there is a little while yet.

shazz smiley - thepost

hi there im looking for help

Post 9

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi shazz, when its all oomplete, it can be put on the post,

apart from the ww2, and people who check the war side of the guides(h2g2)there are some older ones who will probably like to read my humble offerings,

with a slight addition on the intro
with my guide in full,it should be ok.
(will you need to have the guide rewritten to put on the post, or will
you be able to cut and pate)with an introduction to the post added on the beginning jim

hi there im looking for help

Post 10

Post Team

Drop me a line when you have the final piece (hopefully) and I can easily drop by and pick it up from the page it is on now.
I'll edit it and give you a nod when it's done so you can approve before we publish it. smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

hi there im looking for help

Post 11

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

thanks for your help.

when i get the final piece in place
i,ll let you know,

i,ll put a intro on the guide,to fit with it going to the post.

then when you have taken a paste/cut or whatever,you need to do, let me know, then i can remove the post intro,and hopefully replace the intro on the h2g2 guide with the pic if its allowed from the bbc group.jim

hi there im looking for help

Post 12

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi shaz hope your still out there,in post land
re the first part of the posts on here, im now as far on the guide/story i can do.
check out A2228113
you can now put the giuide into post, if you can get me a b24 liberator picture to go with it i would be very greatfull
i have a small tribute to the ew277 crew on my space,but the wrong plane, and it would be pointless putting a fortress on the guide.
eithr way, pic or not, if you want to add my humble writing to the post,you are welcome jimxxx

hi there im looking for help

Post 13

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

incase you missed the message this is a follow up, to reactivate the thread after two days jim

hi there im looking for help

Post 14

Post Team

Well you are in luck, I think smiley - smiley

We sorted through and found an old picture of an RAF B24-Liberator - well it is hard to see whether it is an RAF or a USAAF one because you can't see the segals on the wings.

It is in a field taxiing for take-off.

I will do my very best to get it blobbed for you. smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

hi there im looking for help

Post 15

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

thanks it would be great if you can,it will replace the one on the personal space(that will stay a permanent tribute to the crew)
and will offset the guide ive now finished,
in total its been 7 months compiling the info
the guide as its own merit, but for anyone to see the type of plane a liberator was,would be a bonus,and later ww2, might put pics with there
guide jimxx

hi there im looking for help

Post 16

Post Team

Here you go. smiley - ok

I hope that you approve: A2499852

shazz smiley - thepost

hi there im looking for help

Post 17

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi shazz
its looks great, more or less the same layout as the one a friend did for me,

as you know from the first draft i sent, it was a bit out of context so alleycat(sam)as reworked it and with the added info i eventually got its all there now.

if you can get a pic with it to it will make the story more alive as anyone who reads it that as no idea what a liberator looked like(as the plane was more an american one)thanks jim xxx

hi there im looking for help

Post 18

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

opps, should be, as you can get a picture
thanks again it makes all the researching worth while.
i,ll have to put my h2g2 guide into guideml now to add the picture jimxx

hi there im looking for help

Post 19

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi shazz
ive just noticed something that must have happened in my original h2g2 update.
on the last plane n for nab there are two crew missing on the page,it must have been when i last updated the h2g2 one.
if you can add them they are the (first two)
f.o.mcnaughton ,sgt.johnstone
i had the h2g2 glitch as i was updating the introduction and didnt see the part had gone
i just added the body/guide and re updated jimxx

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