The CAC Continuum

1 Conversation

a CACcer called Ben

Pull my finger, John!

Fiction smiley - cheersWeird Science smiley - drunk First/Personals smiley - hangoverKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - emptySatire

What's worse than drinking and driving? A drunk truck! Again! Hi, Amy!

The following is best described as a pub-crawl through the hinterlands of the Alternative Writing Workshop. As the late, great, DNA said: 'What's so bad about being drunk?'smiley - drunk - 'Ask a glass of water.'smiley - empty

The theme of this year's pageant:

a broad called Ben
knows way more about alcohol than most of us would be able to recall after a few experiences with it. Of course, to be fair, she's had help.smiley - bubbly

Bill of lading:

Our First Entry

The first entry tells us something else about what is so bad about being drunk.smiley - drunk
It changed Alkland's life dramatically, permanently, and for the worse:
One For The Road - How I Lost My Job Through Drinking And Driving
smiley - hangover

has a better way of getting home safely:

He uses a Beer Scooter
smiley - stout

Scorpion deRooftrouser
recounts a morning after. smiley - hangoverDid you know that the term 'hangover' first appears in print in 1904? That is irrelevant to the enjoyment of this entry, though a couple of alka-seltzas and a bucket might help:
Fear and Loathing in St Andrews
smiley - stiffdrink

Mr Cat
has a tale in which he was not drunk smiley - emptyat all. Though he did find evidence of drunkeness - er - all around him in:
A Tale of Spew Cities
smiley - ale

And finally, we all know smiley - cheers
that at the end of the evening the strangest and simplest of things become hilariously funny. I love the complete and utter pointlessness of these entries by Phreako, strange and simple though they are:
Complete lyrics to 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall and as if that were not enough:
Complete lyrics to 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall - 2
smiley - drunk

Oh, and if you are buying smiley - stiffdrinkI'd like a dark rum and coke, make it a double smiley - stiffdrinkwith not much coke, and no ice or lemon, thankssmiley - stiffdrink.

The glass isn't half empty,smiley - empty there is room for another one in there! smiley - cheers

This smiley - hangoverversion of CAC Continuum (not to be confursed with the CAC vacuum) was brought to you through the good offices of smiley - cheersa broad called Ben, who was working on this page as early as 06 Sept 2003, and in conjunction with UG.

Three glassses of beer

The boilerplate:

And, finally, a warm thanks and a cold nose to those who have helped, offered help, almost but not quite assisted but haven't gotten in the way, and those with alien tracks on their foreheads and Groucho ashes in their breast pockets. We couldn't do it without you.The Committee for Alien Content(ment) salutes you!smiley - smiley - smiley -

This box of processed imitation cheese food inspected and packaged by (tonsil revenge)!

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