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How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 101


My band is called Mycology ('cos we're all hedonists who've studied certain fungi extensively) and so i thought i'd log in as "the vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of fine, threadlike parts"(OED)

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 102


That was me! smiley - biggrin

I came across a Russian lady who wasn't offended as such, but brought up that it might be a bit...less than tactless, so I changed it!

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 103


Me, Im Bob?

Not really, my RL name is nothing like Bob or Robert, i just chose it because it is super normal whilst my RL name is nowhere near...
And why 'the farmer'? I grow my own cannabis. The first internet board I got involved in was a home-growing site and so I've had this name from there...

And Mycelium, I grow my own Psylocybe Cubensis as well...

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 104

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

*greets another homegrower* smiley - smiley

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 105


nice one.

down here in south wales, it practically grows in the back garden. the hills are awash with the ol' liberty cap. me & the boys grew up on the stuff, which probably explains this haircut, amongst other things.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 106


when i first signed on to the internet (all those years ago) with aol i had difficulty finding a username that hadn't already been used without tacking a bunch of numbers to it. grasping at straws for something unique i typed in my payroll id from my employer: the first few letters of my first and last names in reverse order. it was unique enough that i've dragged it around the internet with me since, and elected not to change it when my surname changed.

a google search for broelan turns up only my h2g2 user page, tho i've also found one reference to broelan being an ingredient in some kind of skin cream. occasionally someone will misread it as 'brolean' which i've never noticed until it's pointed out to me (usually by someone saying 'i just realized i've been spelling your name wrong all these years'...) and i've also decided i like the diminuitive 'broe'.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 107


Mycelium, you live in S. Wales? Im here in Bristol, I have lots of Welsh friends and am well aware of the reputation of the area for liberty cap...
But the Mexican Cubensis are mindblowing in comparison...

*Hi skugga*

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 108

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

*waves, but is miles and miles and miles away* smiley - sadface

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 109

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Bob, here on the wet coast we have a number of fungi you might enjoy. Amanita and magic for two.smiley - laugh

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 110

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

My nickname comes from tha ancient syrian(?) king Nebucadnezar, with the vowels removed in the style yewish people do with the name of YHWH. I also left the vowels out to shorten it a bit. Incidentally it is also the name of the ship in The Matrix, and a Magic: The Gathering card. I just think it souds pretty cool, and it's unique enough for most places.

My MSN nick is currently White Rabbit. Because I like the song by Jefferson Airplane and because the role it plays in Alice in Wonderland (and the song).

wow, Nbcdnzr was even still available at hotmail smiley - biggrin

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 111

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Find a back copy of "The Annotated Alice" I forget the author. It was part of Grace Slick's inspiration for the song.smiley - smiley

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 112

Chan-Mick le Frog

Thought it meant NBC DinoZaur!

smiley - elf

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 113


I like to go by the name of Griffon most times.

Why? Well Griffons are one part lion and one part eagle. Both are noble creatures and are considered "Lords of their domain."

The interesting part about the cyber world is that we can invent ourselves in as many different ways as we wish. Griffon, sometimes called the cyberian_knight is noble, forthright and honest and that is what I try to be. There is, of course, an alter ego that balances him out but that is for another time.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 114

Darth Zaphod

Darth= from Star Wars, all the Sith...
Zaphod=Zaphod Beeblebrox, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

therefore, I am the infamous Darth Zaphodsmiley - smiley

DZsmiley - planet

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 115


smiley - footprints

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 116

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

...'cos i'm a plumber...why d'ya think.smiley - winkeye

alec.smiley - clown

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 117

Nbcdnzr, the dragon was slain, and there was much rejoicing

Hm, now I've got a mental picture of Zaphod drinking PGB's at a Gothic party. smiley - erm

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 118

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I thought it was spelt *Griffin* (I probubly thot rong...)smiley - biggrin

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 119


Nope. So did I. But spelling alternatives are allowed in screen names, are they not?

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 120


Some people have more than one variant of their screen names - which gets a bit confusing on IMDb - especially when there are genuine duplications too! smiley - biggrin

In pretence of being on-topic, I decided that my name is a variant of SEP as I'm definitely Somebody Else's Fault. When I find out whose and get hold of them... smiley - runsmiley - yikes

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