A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 141

Mu Beta

smiley - groan - you picked that name just to make the bad joke, didn't you?

I would think most people would be able to work out the etymology behind my nickname.


How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 142


smiley - biggrin

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 143


most people don't believe how I got my nickname.

I saw it in a memory of the future (which happened later) and then started using it as a nom-deplume.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 144

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I had a memory of the future once but it turned out to be a thought of the present.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 145

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - laugh

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 146

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

"self ex-planetary" would be A great nick name itself !smiley - laugh

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 147

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

hi abbi *waves*

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 148

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - disco*waves back* smiley - disco Hi jaZZ smiley - smiley

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 149

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

how's your day gone? I was out, most of mine...just got in.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 150

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Sorry I went away (still not sure how or why) smiley - laugh I did well today, thanx. I needed sleep desperately & Got IT! smiley - smiley

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 151

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

ah, great smiley - ok, I slept in this morning smiley - erm, & really hustled out, this morning.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 152

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

*C&P's the explaination on his space*

Stealth is

...the alias I use. Stealth as a noun, began as a relitively obscure referance to a charactor from Robert Rankin's > The Dance of The Voodoo Handbag. It has formed a part of almost every alias I have used with various different suffixes attached over time and from one site to the next.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 153


*rethinks choice of name*

Maybe I should have called myself CashCarStar after all. smiley - erm

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 154

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

But Saturnine sounds better...
even if you have both alliteration and rhyme in the alternative...
smiley - winkeye

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 155


I have Dance of the Voodoo Handbag! I love Rankin...

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 156

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

smiley - cool
Have you joined Sproutlore?
details at...

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 157


I used to be "Encapsulated Life Pod No. 3" which was a name that just popped into my head, fully formed, for no real reason.

Then in RL I met the researcher known as "minimonkey". She got her name after we both watched a program about minimonkeys on "Discovery Channel". They are small and cute and really exist.

We got married in RL two months ago. The names got married too. Hence:

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 158


well mine started simply as owlatron which is owls my football team(sheffield wednesday)and tron the film
the league of thundercats was as a joke as i found a researcher who had posted thunder thunder thunder cats hoooooooooo!!
so i added the league bit and from then ppl have asked to become my thundercats smiley - weird really the friends aof LD users is quite straightforward the shepherd of all connected is my title from the FFF and that is my title explained from humble owlatron to what it has becomesmiley - biggrin

andysmiley - bat

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 159


smiley - footprints

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 160


I am thinking about changing my name - Phoenix s a bit obvious and, dare I sayit, boring. There's about 9 researchers who have it too, and loads who have it as part of their name. Only thing is, it's a bit of a hassle changing it...

I'm looking for a fantasy name, sort of what you get in The Lord of the Rings, any suggestions? I want something unusual but short.

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