'bout me...
*looks up from the paper* Oh hello...*takes a sip of <capp>*Welcome to my little corner of the 'net! I'm actually a bit amazed that you managed to find me...huge place, innit? ;-)
Let's see...little guy in a Big big place, but then aren't we all? In terms of society/world/universe...little ies in a
in' big pond!
Anyway, some fairly average interests I think; (including, first and foremost a longtime interest in SciFi-really enjoying the latestWho!) & as sort of implied, a variety of
including -foremost - a wide & fairly diverse range of Jazz & Blues - some of it live at http://www.yardbirdsuite.com" >http://www.yardbirdsuite.com now'n'then(mostly then)nowadays I'm globetrotting via the computer, even catching
on the-virtual-beach in Tenerife at http://www.qmusica.com" >http://www.qmusica.com
Rock, & Folk/'World' music (most of which can be found, at various times of day and/or night at http://www.ckua.org" >http://www.ckua.org or http://www.magic99.ca" >http://www.magic99.ca or 'other stuff' every now-&-then at http://www.cjsr.ualberta.ca" >http://www.cjsr.ualberta.ca , my own casual variety of cooking,
-preferably fresh ground & relatively dark roasted, *sigh*I confess to at least partial "geek-iness" http://www.coffeegeek.com" >http://www.coffeegeek.com (I'm now roasting
beans at home) & dark/bittersweet
- http://www.chocolate.org" >http://www.chocolate.org -so yeah, bit of a
geek too...oh, can't forget comedy, both on TV & in movies."
- A999543 :-), join the revolution - a smile is contagious)
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Concerning Mirto | May 27, 2010 |
Hi | Jul 19, 2009 |
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada) | Dec 6, 2008 |
Your t-shirt | Dec 2, 2008 |
Thanks for card | Nov 19, 2008 |
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Sentence game : add 4 words | Nov 2, 2008 | 2 Weeks Ago |
Word association. | Nov 2, 2008 | 2 Weeks Ago |
Bingo callers alternative number rhymes | No Posting | 4 Weeks Ago |
A poem a day journal | No Posting | 4 Weeks Ago |
Tell Us A Joke | Oct 25, 2008 | Dec 15, 2024 |
jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)
Researcher U202717
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