This is the Message Centre for jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)
Concerning Mirto
anhaga Started conversation May 27, 2010
Remember posting a link to a review of Mirto, which at that time was available at Bin 104? Well, shortly after reading that review, I was at Sherbrooke and asked after it, knowing that if anyone asks them for something they don't have, they order it in, even if that person never comes back. Well, today I was back at Sherbrooke and noticed that they had four or six bottles *and they were marked down by about 25%*
That's still thirty-something dollars, but that's better than forty-something.
If you're ever in the neighborhood and if you're still interested in it. I find it a very nice after-dinner treat, myself.
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Concerning Mirto
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