Farmer's Mkt.
Created | Updated Jan 22, 2003
I bought some baby potatoes, onions...Blueberry bagels (from the Bagel Latte vendor), was a little disappointed to discover that the people I usually buy my Cayenne, & Bell peppers from, are still on a seasonal break (perhaps, a winter vacation, to a warmer climate.)Didn't really need anything from the Alberta Bison Meat booth, or the Hinse Poultry booth. Did stop to sample some Eyot Creek Farms freshly made cheese. With my sweet tooth it was difficult to just bypass all the homemade cookies, cinnamon buns, coffee cakes, etc. Although, I guess, I could've stopped for a <coffee>, or <tea> & cinnamon bun...hmm.
Sure is nice to have something like that, so closeby! :-)