I created the name xyroth in the 80's as a programmers signature, but it has since become the name I use for all of the creative works that I make.
I am interested in just about everything, so I probably know a bit about any given subject. (well, I try to, anyway), but what else would you expect from a nexialist.
I am trying to keep pescu.net, xyroth.net, xyroth-enterprises and the Real Linux Campaign growing while adding to the guide, so any suggestions for it would be thankfully received. You might like to look at the site philosophy, and see what you think.
You can email me and I will try to get back to you as quickly as I can.
In the meantime, I seem to have been adopted as the mage of JLC the TTP
I also aquirred musehood, so my other home is a muse home hi there muse mother, so I am now the muse of technomages. I will try to give technomages a write-up soon, but in the meantime try looking at my website, which has some stuff about mages.
In the mean time, mother suggested that I set up a thread to keep you all informed about the new research I'm doing, so here is the new info link.
Mother also pointed out carefully, that although my website had some good stuff on it, the structure was a mess. This is no longer the case, but it still needs ongoing maintainance to the structure as new stuff is added to the site. Please bear with me on this as it takes a lot of work to rework an existing website to have a better structure, but I am doing it slowly. pictures CENSORED by BBC ONLINE and H2G2.
As I am starting to get credits on some of the entries in the edited guide, I decided to create a page so that I could keep track of my contributions
I just got fed up with not being able to remember people's user numbers, and combined with the great h2g2 disappearance, decided to create a page on my site where h2g2 pals can find each other, even if h2g2 is down. If you want to be included, drop me an email, with your user number and personal website url, and I will add you to the list.
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
H2G2 A/S | Feb 3, 2009 |
Is it ok if.. | Feb 27, 2006 |
Change of address | Oct 21, 2005 |
Nexialism | Jul 23, 2004 |
A. E. Van Vogt... in French | Jul 19, 2004 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Petty Hates | No Posting | 5 Days Ago |
THe Most Boring and Banal thread on H2G2 | No Posting | 5 Days Ago |
Non Sequiturs | No Posting | 3 Weeks Ago |
EF - A87789992 Pemberton's French Wine Coca and the Birth of Coca-Cola | No Posting | 4 Weeks Ago |
19/5/2020 GB is 20! | No Posting | Sep 30, 2024 |
Researcher U149792
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- 'Reasons to Be Cheerful' - the Song
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."