xyroth's contributions to the edited guide

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This article is just so that I can keep track of what I, xyroth have been credited with adding to the guide. As such, it is not suitable for peer review.

There is also an entry for my contributions to the unedited guide

For the moment, this is in newest date format.

Kevlar I added the bit about it's use in composite materials, and the example of the university dangling an engine by some very thin kevlar thread.

Stargate SG-1 I added the bit about the similarity between the nox and the green man.

The truth about wild west gunfights
I added the bit about it being an edge effect as outlaws ran from the law, and the law chased them.

Caffine I added the stuff about manipulating the trigger levels for noradrenaline.

Jet Engines I added some of the stuff about scramjet's and ramjet's

Paradox part of which is that I don't remember what I contributed to it, isn't that silly.

antiquated words and phrases. I contributed the bit about the philosophical contrast with between the lotus eatus and adventurers.

Tips for camping in the wild. I contributed most of the stuff about fires.

What is god. I mentioned some of the stuff in the "prozac of the people" and "deity as dictator" sections.

Messier objects. I pointed out the difference in the european and american views about M102. The americans believe it is an object in draco, and the europeans believe it to be a duplicate of M101 because messier said so in a letter.

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