A Conversation for Ask h2g2

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 61

Chan-Mick le Frog


My Star War name would be Gabbod Thipar.
Did you know that "Bebel" is French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo's knickname?

And wouldn't you be from Manchester by any chance?

smiley - elf

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 62

Titania (gone for lunch)

As explained on my user page, Titania is one of my RL nicknames...

...at the time it was 'invented' I was a member of a folk dance group (dances from Eastern Europe, Greece, Israel...) and a girl in the group had given me a male nickname that stuck...

...and then I got to know the mother of one of the dancers very well, and she said 'you can't have a male nickname!' and then changed it into a female one (Titania) and it wasn't until later that I realized that it was the name of the queen of fairies from Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer's Night's Dream'

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 63

Chan-Mick le Frog

Hail Queen of us all!

smiley - elf

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 64

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Jazzedupcurry, I know he's a cameraman, but he said something like "zooming is one of the worst things a newbie can do" smiley - erm ?

Chan, I was born in Manchester, but I wouldn't say I'm from there as I left when I was 2!

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 65

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

"skugga" is icelandic, it's origin is "skuggi", which means shadow. It's used in the male and in the female form as a famous name for horses. I named my first cat skuggi, and then decided to adopt skugga as my nickname for h2g2 and another forum I'm joining.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 66

skugga (ACE), keeper of shadows, lots of rats, no betta splendens anymore and badly drawn vampires

... which explains why - among other things - I'm the keeper of shadows... smiley - smiley

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 67

Chan-Mick le Frog

I left the town suggested in my SW name when I was 5.

smiley - elf

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 68


I am known to be Cheeky on occassion so it's stuck!

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 69

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Paris, by any chance?

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 70


Mines an old school nickname (first half of my surname)combined with the number 42 (for obvious reasons) with the X and full stops added to give it a sci-fi vibe

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 71


Like Larry Nivens Known Universe stories
Nessus is a Piersons Puppeteer

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 72

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Hi Bebel, hi and thanks Jazz!smiley - smiley The zooming is a camera lense and the more natural and dramatic way to do it is to actually move the camera in and out (dollying), changing the focus as you go. Harder to do but the change in foreground/backround is much nicer. fyi, the movements are dolly in and out (moving camera), truck left and right (moving camera), pan left and right, tilt up and down, zoom/focus in and out.
Thus endeth today's lesson.

smiley - laugh

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 73

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - yikesOh I forgot pedestal up and down which moves the camera vertically. All these can be related to handheld as well.smiley - biggrin

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 74


smiley - erm

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 75

Floh Fortuneswell

Mine is also a nickname from school.
Floh (=flea) is young Arthur's nickname in "The Sword in the Stone" and I had (and still have smiley - winkeye) his figure smiley - biggrin

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 76


The literal translation of mine is castle white and I made it up when I first started playing Diablo on Battlenet, years ago.

The Welsh pronounciation would be ky-er-wun, sort of.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 77

Chan-Mick le Frog


Yes Paris. A town I rather dislike.

smiley - elf

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 78

Noggin the Nog

I'm not tall enough to be Olaf the Lofty, or evil enough to be Nogbad the Bad. So...


How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 79


smiley - erm

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 80


Oliver Postgate rules! smiley - winkeye

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