FrontPage Archive - October 2008

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1 October 2008

Crash test dummies trying to survive a theoretical air crash.How to Survive a Plane Crash - If your aircraft's chosen to meet the ground in a less than amiable fashion, there's no need to panic.

Hydrus, 'the Water Snake' - Two extrasolar planetary systems have been found in this constellation, which is of modern origin.

® Non-alcoholic Drinks - Some great ideas for refreshing beverages that are guaranteed not to lumber you with a hangover.

QOTD: So, our trivial plethora is only half a myriad, so far.

2 October 2008

The Dusseldorf skyline.Benrath Palace, Dusseldorf - This horticulturally significant German palace plays a part in the everyday life of local citizens.

Puppis 'the Stern' - A constellation is seen at its highest in the Southern Hemisphere's summer months.

® How To Survive A Trade Show - Virtually every day of the year there's a trade show somewhere; here's advice on how to survive them.

QOTD: I've dreamt spreadsheets and SAS programmes... Usually means it's time for a holiday.

3 October 2008

Soldiers fighting for King Harold in a re-enactment of Hastings.English History for Tourists - A little more than what you'd glean from the back of your average tourist brochure or the top of a big red bus.

The Cervical Traction Kit - When you learn that cervix is Latin for 'neck', you begin to understand the value of this medical device.

® London Black Cabs - Anything you want to know (or possibly would not) can be discovered during a journey in one of these vehicles.

QOTD: Well, Pasta and Sauerkraut are abominations anyway. As for Snails and Frog legs, it's easy and tasty to catch and prepare your own ones. And I make camembert in my cellar.

6 October 2008

GuideML code in a table.ASCII Code Email Addresses - How to safely write email addresses on your pages and beat scanning 'robots'.

'The Sculptor' Constellation - Sculptor is noteworthy because it contains a prototype variable star and the South Galactic Pole.

® Bletchley Park - Made world-famous by the film Enigma, Bletchley was home to British code-breakers during WW2.

QOTD: I've intented a time machine; Unfortunately it only works in one direction; forwards.... I sit on teh sofa after being at the pub, with a bottle of whisky... and sudenly its 8 hours later

7 October 2008

Richard Nixon in 1958.Smear and Slander in US Politics - It is difficult to imagine all the bad things people can do or be until a vote is at stake.

Lyle's Golden Syrup - The ingredients of this kitchen cupboard stalwart have not altered since it was first produced in 1885.

® Boudicca - This Celtic Queen of the Iceni of East Anglia is particularly remembered for leading a rebellion against the Romans.

QOTD: Bachus. Now there was a god. Wine, grapes, flesh and frenzy.

8 October 2008

The Australian outback.Ned Kelly: Bushranger - An iconic part of Australian folklore, depending on your view, Kelly was either a hero or a murderous thief.

Constellations: Vela 'the Sail' - Its most prominent stars are of second magnitude, best seen in the Southern Hemisphere during summer.

® Fairy Tales - These are locally constructed stories of wonder passed down through the generations by oral tradition.

QOTD: Worst ice cream I ever had was made by friends of my cousin... They have a goat farm and make organic goat milk ice cream. It comes in two flavours: goat and chocolate-covered goat.

9 October 2008

Joanna Lumley.Joanna Lumley: Actress - This well-loved television personality is also a keen campaigner for a wide variety of worthy issues.

Colin Murphy: Football Manager/Bard - The one-time Derby County manager simply wasn't content to feel 'as sick as a parrot.'

® How to Hypnotise a Chicken - US politician Al Gore is just one practitioner who has mastered this noble art.

QOTD: My daughter watched me then said said 'Its ok Mum, you can have some, it doesnt matter if your tummys getting balances out your bottom..'

10 October 2008

Telling scary stories around a campfire.Telling a 'Jump' Story - A 'jump' story is one that silences the rapt listener and then Bam! makes them jump out of their seats in shock.

Constellations: Volans 'the Flying Fish' - Volans is located near the Southern Hemisphere's pole and is one of the smaller constellations.

® The Game of Ayo - The Mencala family of games are known to have been played in West Africa for at least 3,500 years.

QOTD: I just found out they're doing Chocolate Orange with hazelnuts in. … That's pretty big in my book.

13 October 2008

Bob Wilson, founder of the Willow Foundation.The Willow Foundation - This UK charity was set up by television presenter and former footballer Bob Wilson, following personal loss.

Adenoids - These lumps of lymphoid tissue at the very back of the nose defend the body but can also cause it problems.

® Why People Lie - People tell fibs all the time. This Entry explores an age-old feature of human behaviour.

QOTD: Phew - glad that's cleared up, I shall make lots less fewerer mistakes now!

14 October 2008

German beer being served at the Hofbraeukeller Beer Garden.Hofbraeukeller Beer Garden, Munich - A great place to relax where you can always find a table and get served with relative ease.

Constellations: Octans 'the Octant' - Octans is so far south, it's in a region of sky never seen by the ancient Greeks and Babylonians.

® How to Conduct a UFO Skywatch - Though UFO sightings are rare, anyone attending a skywatch will learn much about traffic in the sky.

QOTD: I have seen bees staggering in sudden heavy showers.

15 October 2008

A solitary glass of chilled white wine on a table outdoors with a beautiful sunset as a backdrop.How To Appreciate Solitary Drinking - If done sensibly, this can be a relaxing and even enlightening pursuit.

Constellations: Lynx 'the Wildcat' - The most vivid imagination would find it hard to visualise a leaping feline from joining these stars.

® How to Get an Egg into a Bottle - Confound your friends, delight your family and bemuse the er...easily bemused.

QOTD: I remember years ago Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall cooking woodlice in an omelette. I was about to say "before he was really a big name", but I think he was always that.

16 October 2008

Close-up of a man holding an A4-sized note pad.How To... - Affirmative, positive action often starts with you just making a list, writing down your stated goals on paper.

Christopher Walken - Having appeared in over a hundred film and television roles, Walken is now an icon, a wonderfully enigmatic actor.

® Surviving a First Date - You've finally taken that first step and asked someone out for a date; here are some tips to help you enjoy yourself.

QOTD: Teddy Boy Daleks? Now there's a concept. … So who then'd be the mods? Sontarans?

17 October 2008

Bokkie enjoys a Denmark sunset.'ToyVoyagers': Travelling Toys - The members of this organisation have been sending stuffed toys on global adventures since 2005.

Barnard's Star - This old red dwarf star sits slightly east of the second brightest star in Ophiuchus.

® The Annual Liars' Contest, Daltry - Liars are international, but a special place in the annals of untruths is held by a Scottish village.

QOTD: The codpiece is back

20 October 2008

A large telescope pointing through a window at a strange light.Hanny's 'Voorwerp' - Amateur astronomer Hanny van Arkel discovered what looked like a galaxy; however, it was the 'wrong colour'.

Portlaoise, County Laois, Ireland - The Irish midlands town of Portlaoise owes its existence to the suppression of an Irish rebellion.

® Carl Gustav Jung: His Life - Jung was one of the greatest explorers of the human mind; his work is greatly influential.

QOTD: how many years of abstinence would requalify me for virgin status and a white wedding day? … inquiring minds want to know....

21 October 2008

An actor plays Richard III.'The Cat, the Rat, the Dog and the Hog' - The dark tale of a simple two-lined poem which led to five men being executed for treason.

Stoved Chicken - A great, warming meal which even novice cooks should be able to prepare without too much blood, sweat and tears.

® Metaphysical Isms - An Entry all about what John Lennon once described as 'This-ism, That-ism, ism, ism, ism.'

QOTD: I won a bottle of Hai Karate aftershave in a tombola in 1979. I've had a pathological fear of tombolas and aftershave ever since.

22 October 2008

A hamburger.The Ham in the Hamburger - Excellent Entry that considers the philosophical question: 'why is there no ham in a hamburger?'

Diseases of the Tonsils - Situated on the side walls of the mouth behind the tongue, the tonsils act as an immune barrier.

® Streakers and Streaking - Streaking dates back to the 1970s when American students bared all for maximum publicity during protests.

QOTD: I may be bored in a crummy hotel by the side of the M6, accessing hootoo through a pda, nothing on the telly, a pile of uni notes by my side and an asssessment careening towards me in a few days, but I'm not *that* bored.

23 October 2008

Isaac Asimov and a couple of androids.Isaac Asimov - An unabashed egoist, he gained massive popularity at a young age for his science-fiction stories and novels.

Constellations: Equuleus 'the Foal' - It occupies a relatively barren area of the sky, divorced from the mainstream of the Milky Way.

® The Jebel Amman One-way System - Amman may be a modern city but a glance at a map of the city shows that the streets twist crazily.

QOTD: Mediation by a professional? How much more professional than the h2g2 community can they get?

24 October 2008

A great beer wave, inspired by Japanese artist Katsushiga Hokusai.The London Beer Flood of 1814 - Never did that glorious expression 'free beer' mean so much as it did on Monday 17 October, 1814.

Constellations: Triangulum Australe - Known as 'the Southern Triangle', it's an easily-found constellation near the Southern Cross.

® The Discovery of Pulsars - What would you do if you found a pulsing radio source from outer space? And what if those pulses were constant?

QOTD: In recent years I've become rather bad at napping, so if I try to start up again, I'll need a preparatory nap before the real nap, and then maybe a wind-down nap so as to ease back into a wakeful state.

27 October 2008

A calendar with Friday 13th circled.Friday the 13th - Unlucky for Some? - An examination of the source of that popular superstition, paraskevidekatriaphobia.

'Les Sylphides' - a Ballet - This ballet blanc is often considered one of the first 'romantic reveries' performed.

® The Loch Ness Monster - The earliest sighting of a creature in the loch was reported by St Columba in 565 AD.

QOTD: Is it just me, or aren't Hobbit's Irish?? They have to stop a lot for food, and they love going down to the pub for a pint. … And I'm not trying to be racist. I like Hobbit's and I'm from Ireland.

28 October 2008

A sandworm striking out of a dune.Frank Patrick Herbert Jr - Author - According to the Library Journal, 'Dune is to science fiction what The Lord of the Rings is to fantasy'.

Roman Roads In Britain Today - An Entry celebrating our good fortune in having so much of the Roman road network still left in Britain.

® The Women's Land Army in Britain - Initially scorned when it was set up during the Second World War, the WLA more than proved its worth.

QOTD: A few weeks ago I saw John Barrowman struggling with a map on a programme about what makes people gay. I wanted to yell, "Come on, man! It's not difficult!" It turns out that his brain is 'female-wired'.

29 October 2008

A man shouting from a tree.Tree-sitting - A non-violent environmental protest which involves human beings living in trees in order to protect them from destruction.

Constellations: Chamaeleon - Part of a 'stellar nursery', its most notable feature is the rather gorgeous cosmic tornado HH49/50.

® Opening Bottles and Jars - According to the Entry, this skill can hold marriages together in times of adversity.

QOTD: Revolution is a myth. All that ever happens is a change in service provider - you end up with just as much mismanagement, and they never answer the phones.

30 October 2008

Some bottles of champagne.'Riders' - A music business by-word for some of the most outrageous demands made by performing artists on tour.

Ginger Rogers: Silver Screen Dancer - When we think of Fred Astaire, we think of his most famous, glamorous partner too.

® Evariste Galois: Mathematical Genius - Mention Galois to any maths undergraduate and they will either wince or be completely jealous.

QOTD: You would have thought 'succinct' should really be spelt with a single 'c'...

31 October 2008

A Cyberman, from 'Doctor Who', emerges from a drain.Drainspotting - A relatively new hobby that has become popular with many people the world over, particularly in Japan.

Pumpkin-Potato-Polenta Dumplings - A variation on an Old World recipe which uses New World ingredients.

® British Pigeons - These familiar creatures can be quite comical to watch, their heads bobbing back and forth with each step.

QOTD: how about Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen. He could bring his own costumes.


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