A Conversation for Draft of village map.

Situation vacant

Post 21


*Still chuckling, coelacanth writes out a new card for the notice board outside the Job Centre. It reads:
Village Doctor required. Please apply, with references, within.
smiley - fish

Situation vacant

Post 22

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Thanks Lady C.

Did you mention young men? Of course, I always need young men!!

Now I'll start to make The Crossed Purposes a little comfortable.

Situation vacant

Post 23

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

You will need a pub sign. Perhaps Asteroid Lil would paint you one.

Situation vacant

Post 24

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Hey, that's a great idea, Amy. Thanks.

Do you think, we should put the different locations (the Grange, the Curch, the Pub, etc.) as threads at the Villa de la Vavoom?
Or should I ask Mari-Rae about this?

Situation vacant

Post 25

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I suggest you run The Crossed Purposes from a Guide Entry on your page. But it's up to mari-rae and the others. I just draw the map.

Situation vacant

Post 26


*On an early morning stroll past the Job Centre, Coleacanth nods to the people who are standing outside having a natter.
She puts a new card on the Notice Board.*

"Wanted. Home delivery fruit and veg service required for some of our more elderly residents. Posibility of accomodation or storage space if required. Apply with References."
smiley - fish

Situation vacant

Post 27


Poor mari-rae

Garters over here are used to hold mens socks up - well many years ago, that is - just a thick kind of elastic band - Now sometimes, ladies have frilly ones, just for display - if ever seen, they are a wonderful sight smiley - tongueout tongue hanging out.

Suspenders are the kind with a belt which hang down and clip onto stockings -another wonderful sight. OOooo I am getting hot here and its not the weather.

I only came here because Lady C coerced me into coming here.

I volunteer to run the stores - can I take the handcuffs off now.

I can deliver the fruit and veg from there and other groceries. I will need an assistant as it is difficult to deliver and run the store at the same time.

I already have my little rascal and would like somewhere to put it at night out of harms waysmiley - smiley

I have not run a shop for over 20 years now but I do know the greengrocery side of things extremely well - I can also sell knick knacks cos I can get them at the warehouse in the next town.

Cor Lady C - what have you got me into...
vegsmiley - smiley

Situation vacant

Post 28

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I will create a place to park your rascal.

Would you be interested in stocking some of the postcards from Graphic Ants (A400500) in your shop?

Situation vacant

Post 29


Only if I can get a good mark up on your prices - do have to make a living you know.

Situation vacant

Post 30


What have I got you into vegiman? Handcuffs it would seem smiley - winkeye. I'll advertise for a young boy and a bicycle shall I?
Lady C
smiley - fish

Situation vacant

Post 31


Be careful - sex descrimination - a young person about to leave school would be a great help.
vegsmiley - smiley

Situation vacant

Post 32


What made you think he was for you? smiley - winkeye
Only joking! OK, I'll write the card out. No need for references vegiman, the job's yours and hopefully an assistant too. Need accomodation? Pop by the Estate Office.
Lady C
smiley - fish

Situation vacant

Post 33

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

vegiman has already been moved into The Village Stores.

Situation vacant

Post 34

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Amy, I have a question: where should I go, to ask Lil, if she would kindly make the sign for Crossed Purposes? Can I go straight to Lil's Atelier and ask there? I'm not sure, cause there are some people in there and I'm not sure if it is the right place.
Help me out?

Situation vacant

Post 35


*Coelacanth places a new card on the notice board outside the Job Centre. It reads:
"Trainee needed for local business which is just starting up. Suit school leaver or similar. References required. Apply within"
Lady C
smiley - fish

The Job Centre

Post 36

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Yet another example of the big-pond divide: a plumber in suspenders?
There are others too.....my American friend & I howl over some of the things we get confused over. I mean, who puts jelly in a donut? And in Australia, if a desperate man dashes into a chemists and asks for a Durex, he gets presented with Toilet Rolls! {snigger}

Situation vacant

Post 37

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Lady C :
If you keep mentioning stockings to vegimansmiley - smiley he is going to pass out! smiley - tongueout And he better not peek at my washing-line on washday! smiley - winkeye

Situation vacant

Post 38

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Kasia, it's OK to go to Lil's atelier. If she's not there leave a card on the silver tray at the top of the stairs in the current conversation thread. She also has a thread called "Commissions". Leave your request there.

Situation vacant

Post 39

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Is this where I advertize my skills?
OK, I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, as an Angel, I haven't got one, just a harp. I do play it beautifully though. I am also a qualified Councellor, I can arrange flowers, {bouquets & wreaths}, I used to work in a Bank, many moons ago....so I can be trusted with the village Christmas fund! I give great massages, with scented oils. Also manicures & pedicures. Foot massages from me have given immence pleasure...I can't hairdress though. {My sons are lucky to be able to go out when I have shaved their heads}.Anything else? Well, I have got some special powers, healing for instance. smiley - smiley
References? Only one, GOD, will He do? smiley - smiley

Situation vacant

Post 40


OOOoo - I'm not a peeping Tom - honest - hot under the collar at the thought of seeing a Guardian Angel in stockings - OOooo thats different.

I'll just have to stock them in the shop and hold my breathe. LoL.

Moves into shop to get ready for a grand openning - needs a bit of decor...
a few shelves over there, a counter there. Closes the shades so no one can see its empty at the mo.

Jello in the jam doughnuts - garters instead of suspenders - If this is going to be an international village then I better stock plenty of toilet tissues for randy Aussies. A bit uncomfy, that but if that's what they like smiley - winkeye I'll sell em.
vegimansmiley - smiley

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