A Conversation for Draft of village map.

The Job Centre

Post 81


A locum is an idea, but we might need a vet as well. I have a cat, and Mina has a dog.
Have you tried any ointment for those toes dearie? The stores are open at
Lady C
smiley - fish

The Job Centre

Post 82

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Ladies, I am honoured to be selected as your resident physician. smiley - smiley
I intend to move in and open the surgery for business within the week i.e. after the decorators have finished.
As yet, I have been unable to think of a name for my house but when the architect and builders have finished their alterations I'm sure I'll be able to think of one.........Suggestions are, of course, welcome.

Dr J

The Job Centre

Post 83

I'm not really here

Good morning!
I'd like to apply for the job in the pub if I may.
I live right next door so I would have little or no excuse for being late for work. smiley - smiley

I also do a little bit of healing, and various other bits and pieces, but I can do that from Kettlebastin. I really could have done with a bigger garden, but I'm sure that I can do something with the space I have. I couldn't resist living right on the water, and next to the pub.

The Job Centre

Post 84

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I'll see what I can do about the size of the garden.

smiley - smiley Amy

The Job Centre

Post 85



The Job Centre

Post 86


*Offers tissues*
It was the feet thing. I'm so sorry.
*completely fails to mention the cheque nestling in her undergarments*
There must be another job we can find you. Vet?
Lady C
smiley - fish

The Job Centre

Post 87

I'm not really here

I forgot to say that Galaxy Babe will give me a reference if needed.

The Job Centre

Post 88


References are always needed, so I'd like to see it.
I doubt you'll see the Lady C in the pub. Not my kind of place at all. But if it keeps you young people happy...
*snooty sniff*
Lady C
smiley - fish

The Job Centre

Post 89

I'm not really here

I'll run over to Galaxy Babe's place and ask her to drop in with my reference as soon as she can.

The Job Centre

Post 90


Well.... Animals are pretty much like people aren't they? Vet sounds cool!
*gets looooong rubber gloves out ready for cows bottoms*

I don't do hooves.

- Adam

The Job Centre

Post 91


Vet you are then! Any references? Perhaps a contented cow? Greebo doesn't have hooves, but she does have very sharp claws tipped with titanium, so you might consider re inforced gloves if you ever have to take her temperature. :-) Pop by Riverside Cottage http://www.h2g2.com/A415117 and introduce yourself to her. http://www.h2g2.com/F51233?thread=70524 I'm terribly worried. She's gone off her food. Lady C ><>

The Job Centre

Post 92

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Try tempting her with doughnuts.

The Job Centre

Post 93

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

~lightning strikes and suddenly Arutha stands before the door of the job centre~


I would like to appli for the job in the pub, when a reference is needed you can get one from Kasia.

I just wanted to say that I've got some exp's with running a bar, caus that basically what I do in RL.

IF you want to get a hold of me, I can be found in KAsia's rainbow cottage in the questroom or on the verrandah

The Job Centre

Post 94

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Would you like to choose a cottage from the map and give it a name? There are still several available. Look at the grid below the map.

The Job Centre

Post 95

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

no thanks, I can get here as fast as I wish to SO there's really no need to get me a cottage. BTW I got a nice castle on the road to this lovely village, and when I really need to stay here, I can stay at KAsia's rainbow cottage. THe quest room is quite comfy.

The Job Centre

Post 96

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hello Lady C,
I am here to give Mina her reference for her job application.
This lady will make a most wonderful addition to our little community, she is a hard worker & willing to help in any capasity. She has a great sense of humour, which will be helpful in her requested post. She is also *drop-dead-gorgeous*, which will no doubt help the pub's attendance, smiley - winkeye
I have found her to be kind, curteous & attentive, an outrageous flirt with the men but she will do her job!
And especially, she is a fellow h2g2 addict, what else can I say?
Marks out of 10? - 10+
I hope this meets with your approval, Lady C.
ps. Please drop into my Beauty Shoppe, for a manicure & pedicure on the house smiley - winkeye

The Job Centre

Post 97

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Is the Beauty Shoppe in your cottage or would you like other premises? There are still some available.

The Job Centre

Post 98

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I did wonder about that.....but people have been happy to come to my cottage, it's a more relaxed, comfortable location, a home from home as it were smiley - smiley
Thank you for asking.
Feel free to drop by!
Archangel Tweetie loved her massage & new hairdo....
*audience yells : "Namedropper!" smiley - winkeye

The Job Centre

Post 99

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Do you do nails? Having six legs it takes soooo long to do them myself.

The Job Centre

Post 100

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Manicures, pedicures, nails....all wants & needs catered for!

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