A Conversation for Draft of village map.

Estate Office

Post 1

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Allocation of functions, names and owners (if appropriate) to numbered buildings.

Estate Office

Post 2

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

I'd like #27 for Someday Cottage, please!

Where should we put the teashop?

Estate Office

Post 3

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I'll make a table under the map so that you can keep track. Anyone got a good name for the Big House (now hotel and health spa)?

Estate Office

Post 4

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)


Viagra Inn (just kidding!)

Maybe Gwen, Coely and Pan will think of something...

Estate Office

Post 5


Hi Amy! Wonderful map. Thanks everso much! smiley - bigeyes

Could I have plot number 15 and call it The Rank, please? I fancy a lake-side view. (Thanks)

How about Grange House or something similar like The Grange?

Estate Office

Post 6


Can I have 23 please, as I need to be near water. "Riverside Cottage"
Ye Olde Teashoppe should be 29 or 4 I think.
smiley - fish

Estate Office

Post 7

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

How about Toad Hall for the hotel? smiley - smiley

Estate Office

Post 8

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

I was kidding about Toad Hall. The Grange sounds good to me! How about you, Coely?

Estate Office

Post 9


As long as it has a nice warm pool I don't mind what it's called smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Estate Office

Post 10


I'm sure that can be arranged! smiley - smiley

Estate Office

Post 11

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Pool, river, pond, how about a small waterfall? They are romantic.smiley - winkeye

Estate Office

Post 12


Wonderful romantic idea. There could be a small picnic spot next to it.
smiley - fish

Estate Office

Post 13


Can I have number 8 - and call it Caladan. smiley - smiley

Estate Office

Post 14


Well, BB, I've seen you IRL and you're no little old lady! You'll have to WORK if you're in the village.
smiley - fish

Estate Office

Post 15


I'm used to village life. smiley - smiley
Anyone need a thatcher?

Estate Office

Post 16

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Hmmm. I don't think that was the kind of work they had in mind, BB. smiley - winkeye

Estate Office

Post 17


Submit an application to the Job Centre. smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

Estate Office

Post 18

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

We do need a thatcher, you know. We all have thatched cottages! BB, you are most welcome to participate. smiley - smiley

Could #8 be a business, then? What do you all think?

Estate Office

Post 19

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Oops. Too late. Be gentle with him, girls. He's very young. smiley - tongueout

Estate Office

Post 20


That's OK. We like 'em YOUNG!!!!!!!!!
smiley - fish

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