A Conversation for Draft of village map.

The Job Centre

Post 101


Mina's reference is excellent! I'll add her to the list of positions filled.
Thank you Arutha. You too have a job. smiley - smiley
Do you do fins at the Beauty Shoppe?
Lady C
smiley - fish

The Job Centre

Post 102

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Absolutely....all requirements taken care of! smiley - winkeye

The Job Centre

Post 103

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

I'm sorry I don't exaxtly know what you mean with that last question

But thanks for the job, I will do everything in my power to help make it the best pub on h2g2

The Job Centre

Post 104

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Never mind the last one, having some trouble with the local network and it confuses me a little bit.

The Job Centre

Post 105

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That last question was meant for me, Arutha.
What problems are you having?
Anything I can help with?
Just shout.....If you need an ACE, I can send one by for you smiley - winkeye

The Job Centre

Post 106

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

No thanks, there already solved, I just lost the connection and had to reconfigure the entire computer.

I realist later on the question was meant for you, I apalogize.

The Job Centre

Post 107


To both of you: Sorry for causing confusion!
Lady C
smiley - fish

The Job Centre

Post 108

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - smiley
You're forgiven....hehehe

The Job Centre

Post 109

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

I hope you don't mind but I have recruited my own receptionist to look after the surgery. Her name is Susan. I think her surname is De'Ath - at least that's what it looked like on the application form. She will be living in one of my spare rooms until reconstruction is finished.

Dr J

The Job Centre

Post 110


A man of your standing should not have to answer his own phone. I'll add Ms De'Ath to the list. (update soon.
Lady C
smiley - fish

The Job Centre

Post 111

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Most kind of you, Lady C.

Dr J

The Job Centre

Post 112


*Lady C is quite taken with the charming manners of the handsome doctor. She decides to visit the library for a medical book so that she can find an ailment. This will give her the chance to make a private appointment.*
Do let me know if there is anything else I can help you with Doctor.
Anything at all.
Lady C
smiley - fish

The Job Centre

Post 113

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

Excuse me, I'm just wandering when I should start working in this pub caus now, it's still under construction. Just checking caus the time I have off, I can sunbathe in someone's garden.

The Job Centre

Post 114

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

I know I already have a job at the pub, but in my spare time I would also like to have the job as carpenter, you know for al those big jobs around the house.

The Job Centre

Post 115

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Arutha, if you're really at a loose end you could help by exercising my horse, Nimrod. He's getting a bit old but still needs his exercise. Susan would help out but she has her own horse to exercise and the surgery to look after.
Dr J

The Job Centre

Post 116

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

I don't know if that such a good idea, I never had anything to do with horses so far.

The Job Centre

Post 117


Has Nimrod got hooves?

The Job Centre

Post 118

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Well, he doesn't get round on his knees!

The Job Centre

Post 119

Arutha( patron saint of personal magnetism )

He doesn't??????

Now I know I won't be able to help you I thought horses did come around on there knees.

The Job Centre

Post 120

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

*Begins to worry about Arutha's view of reality*

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