The Fish Pond

15 Conversations

Glub, blobble, plob... Or in other words "Welcome!!!"

The River

Flowing from one end of the pond, a rather charming River runs it's course through to the Park. Down to the Beach and then out to the Sea.

Part of the Waterworks...

This Pond is now part of the "H2G2 Waterworks" run by Bluebottle

Other places to go in the


To all of us Fish (and other aquatic based life forms(including ducks)) out there without a home, I've opened up my own personal pond, for you all to use.

So, you ask yourself, What is held within the depths of such a magnificent place, Well...

The Coral Reef Cafe

Strickly not in the pond itself, but only a stones throw away is a rather charming Coral Reef. The current location of an old abandoned Cafe that used to be run by an aging Hermit Crab... Now under new management it's just half opened and your all quite welcome!

The Wreck of a WW2 Bomber

Back in the times of old, a huge great plane crash landed into the pond, and now it forms part of our under water world. Suggestions for it's future use are greatly welcome...

Boat Hire now availible

Courtesy of the Boat Yard
There are now
Boat Trips availible on this pondIncluding guided tours of the coral, and the wildlife that's on and around the pond.

The Local Mob of Canada Geese

Yes as always a bunch of Geese have landed at one end of the pond, their friendly enough,... as long as you have food!

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