A Conversation for Red Dwarf

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2461

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

ah smiley - smiley that makes more sence

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2462

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

Anyone want some toast?

See I have a major melt down and nothing happens here until I get it fixed and wake you "guys" up smiley - laugh

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2463

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

And guess what, we don't care. You're about 2 nano-meters from being deported to a random patch of space 2000 astronomical units away with no way of getting back. HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR!!!?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2464

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Oh just stick'im in a soundproof brig.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2465

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

wouldn't work I have teleportation capabilities and would just end up back on the counter smiley - nahnah

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2466


< just because we're not posting on the bridge does not mean that we've stopped posting... >

*rolls out of vent with kidney and smooths hair*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2467

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

*Stares at the Cat who appears to be holding a kidney*

smiley - yikes

*Has another look and realises that it is actually a 'kidney dish'*

I am still seeing things. I think i had better take a visit to the medi bay smiley - erm

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2468


< smiley - evilgrin >

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2469

R195700WayneFrWpgDD#22 Agent Of ZedDragon AvengerOfGods LordOfGhost Member Of The Assassins Guild and The Great God Of Boogie!

want some toast with that?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2470

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

SHUT UP!!!!!

Before i bolt, weld, and nail a white sound generator to your out shell!!

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2471


*walks in trying not to be found*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2472


So what's being done about the killer curry monster?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2473

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

You mean there is a curry around that Lister hasn't eaten smiley - laugh

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2474


Well we've been almost cosumed for about a month!

Shall I steer this crate or what?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2475

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*over com*
I don't know what you're up to, but I recommend you do as me and find a hiding place while there are still some good ones left. Thamian, I reserved a special one for you. Its a crate in the cargo decks filled with window panes, tnt and sharp knives.

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2476

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Looks like Rimmsy is having a brown trouser time again.

I trust your instincts - well more than his anyway smiley - tongueout

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2477


Cat do this, Cat do that....

*sits at console and presses buttons*

*dramatic Howard Goodall music plays over the comm. and floor shakes with the approach to the blackhole*

*shaking increases then suddenly the curry thing rips off the hull with a slurrrrrrrp which closes up afterwards and the shaking stops.*

*points to messed up hair and says to the crew*

See look what you've done???

*begins to preen*

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2478

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*after a few minutes rimmer peekes around the doorway*
Are we safe? Did my plan work?

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2479


*flops hair from face*

What plan??

The Red Dwarf Bridge

Post 2480

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Cat - even in the face of a black hole you are stunning!

Plan? Oh the usual - hide until someone else has sorted out the dangerous bit.

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