What the Dinosaur (VIII)

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While performing a seemingly innocuous experiment requiring a lot of retro equipment that makes 'bzzzp' noises during a lightning storm, Dr Beeching has accidentally brought to life a prehistoric Neovenator. This is rather serendipitous as otherwise this 20-page story would consist of him look at things beneath his microscope, jotting notes down on some post-its and occasionally entering figures into a spreadsheet. Seeing the deadly creature stalking the sands of Sandown is far more entertaining. Yet Dr Beeching disagrees. Possibly motivated by jealousy that the dinosaur is getting all the attention he has phoned the authorities - including the police - to tell them that a dangerous dinosaur is on the loose. Surely the Neovenator is about to be attacked and shot at any second now...?Episode VIII of a 20-part adventureHow did the dinosaur pay for his nammet at the café? With Tyrannosaurus cheques? Why is it that when we're over a quarter of the way through the dinosaur still hasn't eaten anyone? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen Neovenator? Why is a Neovenator like a writing desk? If you have done six impossible things this morning then you might be lucky enough to have your questions answered in next week's installment of What the Dinosaur!

Author's Note

The character of Sophie Nesbit was named after both the little girl Sophie in The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr, and also E Nesbit, author of books in which ordinary people encounter magical beings, such as in the Psammead trilogy (1902-1906), paving the way for modern children's fantasy authors such as John Masefield and CS Lewis.

What the Dinosaur
I - II - III - IV - V
VI - VII - VIII - IX - X
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