Created | Updated Jul 27, 2006

If you would like to have an Announcement displayed on this page, please note the submission e-mail address for Announcements, at the bottom of the page.
Upcoming and Proposed Meets
East Midlands Meet 3
No we don't know where, or when yet. Somewhere between mid August and late September, in either Derby, Burton or Nottingham. All those that want to come along to what are rapidly becoming legendary Bernard Cribbins fests should come and register their interest!
Autumn London Meet 2006
Breaking with tradition, in an attempt to make it possible for more researchers to attend a London meet, there will now be, for the first time in history, a London meet in October. Votings for exact date are happening as we speak - have your say at H2G2 Autumn London Meet 2006.
Strike a Pose Project
Who are the icons and celebrities mentioned in Madonna's song Vogue? Why not help writing articles about them? Read more about the project at Strike a Pose.
Done Too Soon
The Done Too Soon project is also looking for contributors to write about the people mentioned in Neil Diamond's song 'Done Too Soon'. Pick your favourite person and get writing!
The h2g2 University
After a two-year absence, it's back - the h2g2 University, where you can create projects on your own specialised subjects...
New Clubs - Bumper Summer Edition
The Nearly but Not Quite Official Peer Review Discussion Forum
A discussion forum for h2g2 Researchers who want to talk about issues in Peer Review that are not related to specific Entries. So, if you find yourself discussing something on a Peer Review thread that isn't entirely appropriate, use the NBNQOPR!
The h2g2 Researchers' Map
Ever wonder where these weird people live? Now you can find out and show them all where you live as well, if you think that's a good idea.
'Subbies' Mess Hall
Are you a Sub-editor? Here at 'Subbies', over a plate of piping hot gravy and haggis, you can discuss problems or queries concerning an Entry your subbing for the Edited Guide.
The Miffed Penguins Club
So, you're angry? You feel the need to let off steam? But you don't want to upset someone directly? Come to the Miffed Penguins and vent your rage!
The h2g2 Wodehouse Society
A club devoted to all things PG Wodehouse.
Chocoholic's Delight
Chocoholic's Delight is a h2g2 club with a difference; a participating, contributing club. Our aim will be contributing collaborative chocolate related Entries to the Edited Guide, and also updating existing Entries, where needed.
The Garden Shed
An oasis for all the husbands/fiance's/boyfriends who come to hootoo to seek some peace from the 'Trouble 'n' Strife'.
h2g2 Good Deed Club
To promote good will and give everyone a warm feeling inside.
The campaign for real cheese
Do you like cheese? Do you like it handmade? Well then this is the place for you. It is just a bunch of people who like cheese and want it to be handmade.
Are you forming a new club? Why not pop over to the Classified Ads and let us know!
The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.
The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to The Post Box.