The Nearly but Not Quite 'Official' Peer Review Discussion Forum

67 Conversations

I feel like the proverbial when I'm in Peer Review...Best viewed in Brunel skin

Peer Review can be a pretty daunting place at times, especially if you're a relative newcomer to the workings of the Edited Guide. Occasionally you might feel lost by what a fellow h2g2 Researcher has said, or don't understand why they've said it. Or perhaps you're just having a little bit of trouble with the Peer Review process as a whole.

Disgruntled? Confused? Want to vent?

Mixed emotions after a bad day in Peer Review?

The Peer Review Discussion Forum is here to help!

But What Does It DO?

One of our happy operators, waiting for YOUR post!

This Forum is intended as a central discussion and meeting place for h2g2 Researchers who want to natter about issues in or about Peer Review and Peer Review processes that don't concern the specific content of Entries in the Peer Review Forum.

That means, if you find yourself talking about something on a Peer Review thread (or any other thread for that matter), and are worried that the conversation is veering away from the subject of the Entry, come here and chew the cud.

For the Average h2g2 Researcher

The main purpose of this Forum is for all h2g2 Researchers1 to have a place to come and chat about issues relating to Peer Review and its processes. However you could also;

  • Discuss your grievances with another Peer Reviewer, so as not to clog up a Peer Review thread with a load of old 'tosh'.
  • Have a moan. That way any ill-feeling is not in Peer Review, but in a neutral space - namely, here!

For the Badge Holders

Any h2g2 Badge Holder may also find the Forum useful, as it is hoped a central discussion area will nurture inter-h2g2-volunteer communication.

Don't Forget

h2g2 is a community. Talk to each other! Just remember no-one likes flaming or trolling, so be aware of the House Rules. Other places that you may find some help are;

1Including Scouts, Sub-editors, ACEs, Gurus, Field Researchers, Post Reporters, Photographers, AViators, UnderGuide Volunteers AND Italics/Staff.

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