The h2g2 Wodehouse Society
Created | Updated Nov 25, 2007
Do sit down and make yourself comfortable. My valet, Jeeves should be along any moment with the , but do help yourself to some
if you fancy something stronger. Or maybe some
if you are like an old pal of mine from the Drones, Gussie Fink-Nottle. You know, the newt-fancier. With a face like a fish.

Like I said before in that Marquee that took me a blasted embarrassingly long time to to figure out how to do, (so you better enjoy it) this is the

and it is dedicated to anything to do with the British humour writer, PG Wodehouse, a dashed topping cove. Please join in that little box at the bottom of the page, and I shall then determine if you qualify as an Egg, Bean, or Crumpet. Then I will put your name on the page somewhere. And once you join, feel free to start any other conversations. Be it about Bertie, Blandings, or anything in between, please yourself.
Where is that bally man of mine with the tea? Probably curled up somewhere with a Spinoza, I expect.
Here are some Entries for you to look at to pass the time:

The Logo
Below is the official sort of logo type thingy for The h2g2 Wodehouse Society. Yeah, its sort of lame and boring, but it was the best thing I could come up with. So when you join, you can put it on your Personal Space, if you want to.

Sign Up Here
My name:
My U number:
- Wyatt - (Founder), A Crumpet
- Tabitca - A Bean
- Not him - An Egg
- echomikeromeo - Crumpet
- Brendan - An Egg
- pdante' - A Bean
- miraculousrandomness - A Bean
- Aximili - An Egg
- joetough - A Crumpet
- BertramAlwyn - A Crumpet
- Cptn_Jack_Harkness - A Bean
- Big Al - An Egg
- tzjin_anthony_ks - A Crumpet
- Mol - A Bean
- BP - A Crumpet
- ssamoa - An Egg
- fluffykerfuffle - A Crumpet
- ceawlin - A Bean
- Bob Stafford - An Egg

'I endeavor to give satisfaction, sir'