Journal Entries

A very wet morning

Blimey it is SO wet

I cant beleive how much rain must have fallen over night but the bird bath is full and I had emptied it.

Im having another fairly short day

Im going through to Stirling quite early

Taking R to the hospital, need to give Sara keys as they are out at ST today, time in the office, going to Beanscene with Anne for a meeting ( having handed in ALL the marking, hooray and then meeting Audrey at 2 at the garden centre to get the books etc from her. I hope to be home by 3.30 ish. I dont actually have to do any work tonight if I dont want to but could do some SVQ or do some AHS work if I cant cope with not doing anything.

Im at home all day tomorrow and Friday so any of the above could also happen then intersperspersed with getting the place ready for mam and dad arriving on Friday.

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Latest reply: Jul 21, 2010


It is a very dreich day today

I woke up quite early and got up to do a few things

Im going for a swim and then through to Stirling

I have the last of the marking to do tonight. Im really pleased as now that is out of the way I have more time to spend on my course.

Ive been down and watered the greenhouse. lots of tomatoes and the chillies are coming on well.

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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2010

A new week

I slept quite well. I woke up when Chris came in which is quite rare and was awake again briefly in the early hours but that was all.

I got up and was going to go swimming but I ended up doing e mails, doing the washing, hoovering etc and I was chatting to Bill for ages as I was worried last night that he sounded so down. We cleared the air about a few of the things that were said last week so that was good.

Im going to go swimming now and will then come home and do a few bits and bobs before meeting Hilary for lunch at the Birnam Institute. I havent seen her for weeks as she has been on holiday.

When I come back I will be working for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I have allotted myself some specific things that I need to do today.

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Latest reply: Jul 19, 2010

Surrealist Sunday

I had a nice day yesterday. I was pleased with the housework that I got done.

I had a very nice sleep in the afternoon and took Finn out, went for a swim and made a stir fry for Lizzie and I in the evening.

I went to bed at midnight and slept all night

I took Finn out first thing and there werent any other dogs out which was fab. Just catching up on overnight e mails and going swimming as soon as done that.

Im off to Edinburgh for the Surrealist exhibtion this morning. Meeting Max for lunch after it. On the way home Im going to the conservatory showroom.

Lizzie is working today and going to a party in Edinburgh tonight. Chris is just having a day at home. I didnt hear him come in last night but assume he is here. I never hear the kids come home which is a very good thing as I hate being woken up.

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2010

Sunny squally Saturday

I slept well and was up quite early

I went to Tesco first but didnt quite get in early enough to beat the Jehovahs Witnesses. Must try harder tomorrow.

I then have watered the greenhouse, rearranged the living room furniture slightly, cleaning behind it, took the dog out and am about to read the papers. I had thought about doing some work but have realised that Im only out of the house on 2 days next week so may leave it until Monday.

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Latest reply: Jul 17, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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